
il y a 6 ans

DEX Innovation Centre

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Recherche partenariat

Danube Region is significantly affected by the lack of employees or individual entrepreneurs for the knowledge-based segments. This issue occurs due to the various reasons among the regions in Danube territory. For example, eastern-southern part (ROM, BUL, BiH, UA) is affected by the brain drain, while central – northern part (GER, CZE, SVK) is affected by the extremely low unemployment rate. Both issues have the same consequence – the lack of employees or self-employed experts dominantly with technological expertise, notably with digital skills.

At the same time, the Danube macro-region is ageing. Currently, there is high % of the workforce in age above 51, with perspective to reach even higher % in year 2030.

As ageing is the matter of fact in Europe and the proportion of elderly people in the society will grow in upcoming years, it is crucial to join forces of relevant stakeholders – policy makers, educational and training centres, business and industry, groups and associations representing elderly / retired people as well as labour offices to address the education of this specific target group to meet the needs of employers in order to fill the gap at the labour market.

The main results of the project will be:

i) Boosted availability of self-employees with digital skills, which address the long-term shortage at the labour market in Danube macro-region;

ii) Boosted employability of elderly citizens with employability matters.

 Ressources humaines
 Innovation sociale
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie

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