Do you need smart coaching?

il y a 4 ans

Elena Alamar



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I am an approved EC Coach since the first Call for Expert Coaches for SME-Instrument and EIC ACCELERATOR, BLUEINVEST Readiness Assistance, INNORATE and MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Economy). Since then, I've been coaching a large number of small, medium and startups companies which need business/management assessing to: 

 enhance its company's innovation capacity

help align the project to strategic business needs

foster the project's long-term commercial sustainability   


What do you want to do ?

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What do you want to do ?
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 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Développement durable
 Horizon Europe
 Développement de projets
 Gestion d'entreprise
 Levée de fonds
 Gestion de projets internationaux
 Développement des affaires

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