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6 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The idea of the ‘Correlation’ project came from our observations while our cooperation with other organizations and a research that we did to our network about how to support volunteers in their organization. The results of the research and the number of the responses of potential partners prove that there is a need of the organizations. On account of this our goal is to empower the organizations, ...
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Sustainable Community

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013,

Olde Vechte has many years of experience with this project already, but this time around we aim to improve and optimize the project by using our past experiences and learnings This, for example, has led us to set the timeframe for the project to two months. Although its the 6th time we are organizing this project, we would like to put the focus on sustainability and an inspirational working commun ...
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Play for Real Reloaded

Date du début: 1 août 2013,

In the new edition of Egyesek's long-term EVS project we continue the programme what we've been already developing for 5 years. The volunteers will come from 6 different countries (AL,CR,GE,LV,LT,DE) and join activities in high school volunteer programme which we have been part of for 7 years in order to provide non-formal learning opportunities to youth in their leisure time. This programme is al ...
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Build upon each other

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013,

Please give a short description of your project (approximately 10-15 lines). Please note that if your project is approved, this paragraph may be used for publication. Therefore be accurate and include the venues, the type of EVS project, the themes, the objectives, the duration of the Service(s) (in months), the countries involved, the number of volunteers, the implemented activities and the metho ...
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Friends of Gravity

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012,

Friends of Gravity is a 10-day training course taking place in Hollókő, Hungary, 2-11 May, 2013., hosted and organised by Egyesek Youth Association. Participants are 26 youth workers, leaders, volunteers and active youngsters from 9 NGOs and informal groups from 9 countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Turkey, Croatia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Greece and Bulgaria, supported by 2 trainers and 4 su ...
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Show your life

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

Egyesek hosts 27 youth workers, young people working in the field of media, and young volunteers interested in the topic from 9 countries (LT, LV, CR, RO, BG, FR, TR, CZ, HU) on a 10-day long youth exchange in October 2012. The event takes place in Hollókő, situated in Nógrád county, one of the poorest regions of Hungary with a high percentage of Roma population. The themes are sharing knowledge, ...
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