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3 projets européens trouvés

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Développement des Expériences Culinaires et Linguistiques à l'International

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

The project is developped in the context of promotion actions as well as language and cultural skill improvements, addressed to 20 young catering and hospitality high schoolers. As regards our catering training more particularly, it is been fifteen years since the establishment started its actions towards a programme of international oriented development on a European level. The three-year establi ...
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This project wants to increase the intake of qualified staff in the electromechanical branch and prevent an outflow by training sessions (for instance: creating polyvalent technicians, re-training sanitary equipment installer, refrigerating engineer to become electrician) and also by developing a new learning method which makes it more accessible for employees to attend training and offer equal op ...
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Inadequate maintenance and lack of specific technical knowledge regarding safety standards can lead to serious problems/accidents with elevators. To answer this need for more safety this project wants to increate the competences of qualified technical staff in the elevator sector by developing specialised training and training content (including e-learning). Specific results or products that will ...
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