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5 projets européens trouvés

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The project SKILL JOB MATCH PLUS is a ERASMUS + KA1 mobility project that comprise VET learners mobility and also VET STAFF mobility. The mobility of VET learners is aimed at recent graduates from VET schools aged between 18 and 28 years old (the participants will undertake their training placement abroad within one year of their graduation) and they will realize a VET training abroad in the follo ...
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The project will demonstrate and contribute towards making port areas as carbon neutral as possible. Through the project, Photovoltaic Infrastructure (PV) will be installed in designated locations within the ports of Valletta, Catania and Gela as well as demonstrate, test, evaluate and disseminate a number of actions with respect to the achievement of electromobility in and around the proximity of ...
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Volcanic clouds disperse a great amount of volcanic ash that constitutes a great hazard to aviation. The accidental encounter between volcanic ash and airplanes causes damages to control surfaces, windshields and landing lights, loss of visibility and failure of critical navigational and operation instrumentations and in the worst case the failure of the engine. It is hence very important to defin ...
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« MACIMED » sintéresse au cyclisme comme mode de transport au sein des îles méditerranéennes. Le projet a pour objectif létude puis lexpérimentation, avec la réalisation de projets-pilotes au niveau territorial, dun parcours cyclotouristique en Méditerranée. Le projet propose dencourager lutilisation du vélo comme moyen de transport alternatif, notamment à travers lintermodalité avec les transport ...
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ISOLATINO: Territorial marketing in the Mediterranean islands (ISOLATINO)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2001, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2004,

« Isolatino » sintéresse à la problématique insulaire en Méditerranée. Le projet se propose dexpérimenter des stratégies de marketing territorial dans les îles, régions ayant traditionnellement des problèmes et étant difficilement capables de devenir des pôles dattraction dinvestissements. Le but principal est de disposer dun moyen de valorisation des territoires qui puisse être appliqué aussi bie ...
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