Rechercher des projets européens

5 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens


Intercultural learning in mathematics and science initial teacher education

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

With the proposed project, we offer a constructive contribution to tackle one of Europe’s greatest challenges: Education for an increasing number of refugee and immigrant youth. To integrate them into European educational systems and to provide for stable, socially cohesive societies we need well-educated teachers who are prepared for and able to deal with diversity in classrooms.Our project focus ...
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Throughout Europe there is an alarming decline in young people’s interest in scientific disciplines, and thus our society may in the future be seriously disadvantaged at all levels of the workforce by ill-prepared citizens who do not have a critical understanding of important issues that affect the world in which they live. The project, therefore, has the aim of developing teaching that connects s ...
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The project's wider objective is to increase specialized Universities’ capacity in meeting the evolving market needs and governmental strategies of development, as well as in coping with new challenges of education, by modernizing their language teaching capacity; to help graduates of specialized Universities to increase their employability through obtaining viable language skills. The specific ob ...
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European Youth Parliament

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011,

For the young people, teachers and researchers of the consortium with partners in 25 countries, it is clear that only a more integrated Europe can achieve the EU 2020 goals with active citizens participating in this process. We therefore share the assessment of the Education and Training 2020 work programme that the EU has to take major steps to meet its targets especially with regard to the promo ...
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A project in the field of teacher education is proposed, in which on the Tajik side five major teacher training institutions would be involved.Project activities are proposed in four fields:- Exchange of experience and advice on the European Credit Transfer System- Modernizing the content of curricula at teacher training institutions- Advanced professional training for professors at teacher traini ...
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