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4 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

... a. to improve learning capabilities of young people with special needs in order to enhance their personal growth, their intellectual capabilities and their interpersonal relations;b. to support national institutes of education offering specific formative itinerary in the field of music therapy, art therapy and drama therapy, directed toward students with several types of psych- and intellectual d ...
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...ect which will last for 11 months. The project will have three separate stages, in each of them a group of two volunteers will be active. They will stay at the Demonstration centers of Association “National movement workshop Sedyanka” in the towns of Veliko Tarnovo and Kazanlak, 6 months in the one city and 5 months in the other. The project will give opportunity to the volunteers to be involved i ...
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Jovens de Cloçon Aberto

Date du début: 1 déc. 2011,

...Estimulo to develop a project under the theme “Social and Cultural Animation”, also for four months. The volunteers will be involved in activities with the technical staff in the national projects in progress. They will also integrate and support the technical teams of COOTL -Centro de Orientação e Ocupação de Tempos Livres and Centro de Actividades Tempo Livres “Mudar o Futuro” of Fundação Séc ...
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Identifying the training needs of professionals working with drug users : Transdrug is a practical project in which professionals carers in the field of drug addiction shared local information and expertise to produce a set of adaptable tools that would allow addiction care workers to identify their training needs. The project is based on two key propositions – that drug and substance use is a con ...
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