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Jovens de Cloçon Aberto
Date du début: 1 déc. 2011,

The project “Jovens de Cloçon Aberto” (meaning Youngsters of Open Heart) is a Group SVE project that have as principal aims to give volunteers a real opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes, putting into practice their own experiences, reflections, comments and their own initiatives, participating actively with open heart in the host organizations activities, therefore in the communities covered by their actions. This project is divided into two activities: First activity: take place in the Island of São Tomé in the host organization, Fundação Aurélio Martins (FAMA). Estimulo, from Portugal will send three EVS volunteers to its partner organization to develop a project within the theme of “Social and Cultural Animation” for four months. The volunteers will be involved in animation activities for children and youngsters, promote cultural and solidarity events in order to support social and community integration, support to the daily run of the association projects and social intervention in the São Tomé island. Second activity: take place in Oeiras Council, Portugal, in the host organization Estimulo. FAMA will send two EVS volunteers to Estimulo to develop a project under the theme “Social and Cultural Animation”, also for four months. The volunteers will be involved in activities with the technical staff in the national projects in progress. They will also integrate and support the technical teams of COOTL -Centro de Orientação e Ocupação de Tempos Livres and Centro de Actividades Tempo Livres “Mudar o Futuro” of Fundação Século. These two institutions are partners of Estimulo in national projects. In COOTL the EVS volunteers will help prepare and develop activities and study visits for their students and in CATL “Mudar o Futuro”, they will help to streamline activities such as artistic expression and dramatic body, sports activities, excursions, visits ludic-educational and therapeutic groups for children ages 6 to 12 years old.

