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8 projets européens trouvés

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The aim of this project is to create an Innovation Centre for the development of SMEs that will contribute to long-term growth and sustainable economic development of the Temerin municipality by supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs. The relevance of such a Centre for Temerin relates to the increasing importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in economic growth, job creation, regional ...
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During the project, a modern biological sewage cleaning plant of high efficiency will be built to the sewerage network built earlier at the municipality of Ada (Serbia). The sewage cleaning plant is able to carry out the cleaning of sewage, created by 3.000 people and institutions connected to the sewage drainage at the towns of Ada and Mol. The cleaning plant is able to receive and clean maximum ...
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...t and providing a portal for cooperation between entrepreneurs across theHungarian-Serbian border.The cooperation between Morahalom including its development office ÖKTKE (formerly HÖKTE)and the Municipality of Kanjiza, including ICR and SMEs on both sides of the partnership hasbrought new connections and exchage of experience in the SME sector, which is important forSerbian SMEs to get aquinted w ...
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In the course of the project, our objective is to present traditional and today's Christian values, also for tourism purposes, thereby promoting the region's economic and intellectual development, demonstrating common values. In Csongrád and Timis County we will establish an ecumenical route presenting Christian values between Timisoara and -pusztaszer, among 4 partners, under the leadership of th ...
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Central-Eastern European countries have exceptional geothermal resources. These resources are either unexploited due to the lack of technological know-how or their utilisation is carried out in an unsustainable way; geothermal district heating projects lack the energy efficiency component and the used thermal water is not reinjected but instead released to surface waters. Geothermal Communities wi ...
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The aim of the project is the elaboration an integrated spa development strategy based on the cross-border cooperation between the Univerity of Szeged and the partners. The strategy will support the harmonized health tourism development in the relevant cross border region. In the 50 km wide zone of the main traffic route (Budapest-Belgrade axis) of this region there are a lot of spas with differe ...
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The aim of the project was to strengthen cross-border economic ties by developingcommercial ties and co-operation among small and medium-sized agriculturalenterprises operating along the Serbian-Hungarian border. The specific goal wasto set up a Centre of Commerce and Logistics, and to prepare feasibility studies andconstruction documents in order to enable the continuation of the co-operation oft ...
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The general objective of the project was to develop an action plan, the implementationof which improves environmental potential as well as ensures its sustainabilitythrough financial contributions from the stakeholders. Good environmentalpotential ensures the preservation of the natural values of the watershed and theirsustainability and it also contributes to developing the region’s economic pote ...
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