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Translating neuroimaging findings from research into clinical practice (PSYSCAN)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2020,

Abstract 9Neuroimaging (NI) has enormous potential to improve the clinical care of patients with psychiatric disorders, but has yet to deliver. The PSYSCAN project will address this issue directly by developing a NI-based tool that will help clinicians resolve key clinical issues in the management of patients with psychotic disorders. Clinicians will use the tool to assess patients with a standard ...
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ACTivating resource efficiency and large databases in the CLOUD (ACTiCLOUD)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2019,

Despite their proliferation as a dominant computing paradigm, cloud computing systems lack effective mechanisms to manage their vast amounts of resources efficiently, leading to severe resource waste and ultimately limiting their applicability to large classes of critical applications that pose non-moderate resource demands. This creates a significant need to lift existing technological barriers o ...
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DIabetes REsearCh on patient sTratification (DIRECT)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2019,

The overarching aims of the DIRECT consortium, consisting of 20 leading academic groups in diabetes and 5 EFPIA companies, are to identify biomarkers that address current bottlenecks in diabetes drug development and to develop a stratified medicines approach to treatment of type 2 diabetes with either existing or novel therapies.There is heterogeneity in who develops diabetes, the rate at which th ...
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ADVanced communicAtions and iNformaTion processing in smArt Grid systEms (ADVANTAGE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

"Smart Grid systems represent a significant new technology to provide more energy efficient power delivery systems that reduce carbon emissions and can handle a mix of energy sources from small scale renewable energy to large power stations. The design and implementation of the smart grid will be very complex, involving a large number of systems, layers and relationships. In order to make the infr ...
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Ice, Climate, and Economics - Arctic Research on Change (ICE-ARC)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The ICE-ARC project aims to understand and quantify the multiple stresses involved in the change in the Arctic marine environment. Particular focus is on the rapid retreat and collapse of the Arctic sea ice cover and to assess the climatic (ice, ocean, atmosphere and ecosystem), economic and social impacts of these stresses on regional and global scales.It is not possible to look at one aspect of ...
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Emerging mental health systems in low- and middle-income countries (EMERALD)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

The objective of the EMERALD Project is to improve mental health outcomes by enhancing health system performance.The key issues addressed are: (i) adequate, fair & sustainable resourcing: using human, infrastructural, informational & financial resource inputs to effectively deliver better mental health services; (ii) integrated service provision: enhancing access to integrated community care; and ...
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"ECCO-MATE aims to create a research and training platform for the development and implementation of novel fuel mixture preparation, injection profiling, air management and staged/low temperature combustion technologies both in marine and light-duty automotive diesel engines. The marine (slow speed, large-sized, two-stroke engines) and land-transport (high speed, small-to-medium-sized, four-stroke ...
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"In a disaster situation three things contribute to a success: having the right resource available in the shortest time, with the highest relevance and at the right location.Access to necessary information, communication with other rescuers and stakeholders as well as the availability of resources are key factors in minimizing damage and loss of life.Large scale disasters and crisis situations inc ...
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The INDOX proposal on industrial oxidoreductases aims to provide relevant industrial case stories to demonstrate the efficacy of optimized biocatalysts on targeted reactions, and to establish the processes scalability, sustainability and cost-efficiency versus chemical conversion processes. The chemical industry (specialties excluded) is not yet embracing enzymatic oxidation reactions to a signifi ...
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...missions, noise and reliability. The SLIDE IN concept will be tested in two different cities in Sweden: on the trolley bus electric lines in Landskrona, and on the electric tram lines in Lund. During the project, the SLIDE IN concept will be demonstrated on a specially equipped bus, using new technology that allows batteries to be charged while the vehicle is in use – ‘sliding in’. In the ...
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"EPIC-CVD's overarching goal is to provide clinicians and policy-makers with a menu of evidence-based options for cost-effective individualised risk assessment that enables the EU's increasingly resource-constrained economies to achieve more personalised predictive medicine in harmony with Europe's diverse cultures and healthcare systems.We will achieve this through developing and validating innov ...
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Towards off flavour free finfish aquaculture (SPACETASTE)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2013, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

"Off flavour is the presence of undesired sensory properties in food items. Most common in aquaculture products are earthy-musty off flavours caused by the presence of geosmin and 2-methyl-iso-borneol (MIB) in fish tissues. Off flavour is associated to land-based aquaculture production systems with high nutrient loadings such as pond systems and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS).Off flavour ...
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Growth potential of Archaeological Cultural heritage in the South Baltic (GAC)

Date du début: 30 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2015,

The main objective for the project is to develop a business model for sustainable tourism within the historical and archaeological field in the South Baltic area.Bornholm has a particularly good representation of archaeological finds from all historical period in the South Baltic history, and lends itself to be a pilot area for archeological activities, which is intended to be replicated by the pr ...
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Background Despite technological advances and environmental benefits, the use of biogas as an energy source is still limited. To optimise its environmental and economic benefits a systematic approach to biogas production and consumption is needed. In certain situations, biogas is a cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly option for both energy product ...
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"The main goal of PROACTIVE is to research a holistic citizen-friendly multi sensor fusion and intelligent reasoning framework enabling the prediction, detection, understanding and efficient response to terrorist interests, goals and courses of actions in an urban environment. To this end, PROACTIVE will rely on the fusion of both static knowledge (i.e. intelligence information) and dynamic inform ...
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From Development to Dissemination (D2D)

Date du début: 6 janv. 2014, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2015,

The D2D project, which stands for “Development to Dissemination” and vice versa, builds on the results of the Cradle to Cradle Islands (C2CI) project. The main aim of the project is to create a process that enables small and locally developed innovations, achieved during the C2CI project and beyond, to be realized and commercialized across the regions of the North Sea. The D2D intends to provide t ...
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Clusters for European Innovation Cross-Linking (CLUSTERIX)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...lture) as well as 2 different clusters (Plastics and Food) - and “Competence Map” – a tool to identify cross-sector emerging industries. Until the next meeting in Malmö and Lund/Sweden, the partners collected good practice cases for measurements and tools to identify cross-sector potentials and support cross-cluster collaboration. In total there were 23 best practices identified and briefly de ...
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A Centre for Cardiac Arrest in the Oresundregion

Date du début: 31 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The purpose of the project is to establish a Centre for Cardiac Arrest in Oresundsregionen as a collaborative effort to increase knowledge, developments in assessment, treatment and outcome in cardiac arrest victims. Expected Results: ...
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Innovation in District Heating (Inno-Heat)

Date du début: 30 juin 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The largely inefficient energy systems arond the South Baltic impact the environment and economic growth. The challenge is to increase commitment among decision makers, energy companies, local and regional authorities for energy saving investments. District heating is a technology in wide-spread use, and the advantages are well known among experts, and some decision makers. There are large opportu ...
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...e mutual understanding about the partners,their needs and objectives and about options emerging from exchange and transfer of good practice. The first workshop, held according to the plan in June in Lund, had its focus on the social aspects of parks and gardens. Partners, local politicians and external experts joined in Lunds city park to discuss the needs and the challenges of the transformation ...
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Household Participation in Waste Management (HPWM)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The project focuses on the management of the Baltic Sea environment, prepares for and implements small-scale pilot projects of modern Waste Management (WM) and pays particular attention to environmental hotspots in coastal areas.The programme area (PA) exhibits a major and unsustainable imbalance when applying the WM “hierarchy” (see 2.1). For example in Poland some 95% of waste goes to landfill w ...
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Green IT Network Europe (GreenITNet)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

GreenITNetInformation and communication technologies (ICT) have become a driving force of economy and society sustaining growth and prosperity. On line data processing has in the last decade developed into a truly new infrastructure. ICT is ubiquitous and will become more so in the coming years. Also ubiquitous however has become the question of the sustainability of ICT. ICT has been singled out ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...) at the forefront of screen tourism and 3 less-advanced regions (Rzeszow, Bucharest & Maribor). It will be deliveredfrom 2012-14 by lead partner Film London with Ystad City Council & Lund University (Sweden), ProMalaga (Spain), Apulia Film Commission(Italy), Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit(Malta), Bucharest Regional DA*(Romania), Maribor DA*(Slovenia) & Rzeszow Regional DA(Poland). * Development Agency. ...
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Energy Oresund

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Strategic energy planning is a cooperative theme for the project. In the project, municipalities and energy companies across Oresund implement concrete demonstration projects, which address the challenges connected with integrating renewable energy in the existing energy system. Achie ...
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Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The overall ambition with the project is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Oresund Region within reproductive medicine. Expected Results: This project is a continuation of the project "Reprosund". The partnership wants ...
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The development of shared structures for education and research in Scandinavian Studies has been the main goal for Centre for Scandinavian Studies since it's start in 2010. By now the organization has acquired the necessary competence and capacity to provide the Öresund region with education, research and information in neighbor language and culture on a broad scale.
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Green STRING Transport Corridor

Date du début: 30 nov. 2011, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2014,

Identify the sectors and companies which will have special growth opportunities through the establishment of a green transport corridor between Öresund and Hamburg. This will be of interest to logistics and goods transportation. To identify the physical, organisational and legal barriers limiting the full capitalisation of the value available for the business community in the Öresund Region with t ...
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PA Transport of the EUSBSR calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and ...
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Urban Transition Oresund

Date du début: 31 août 2011, Date de fin: 30 août 2014,

The project will promote sustainable urban development of residential and office buildings in the Oresund Region. This will be accomplished by giving municipalities, regions and companies in the region planning methods and innovation skills geared towards adaptation and elevation of the sustainable urban development in the region.
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Boosting Regional Development with ICT-Innovation-Strategies (BORDWIIS+)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is crucial to European competitiveness, innovation strength and industrial development, especially as innovation is made possible in most cases by important developments in advanced ICT and their application. However, new policies and strategies are required to fully maximize the possible opportunities and meet the challenges that the rapid developmen ...
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In SMEs there is a large need to increase an awareness of a strategic and long-term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept and to educate owners and managers implementing CSR in their own companies. Individual elements of social responsibility are already addressed in various further educational trainings. However, a comprehensive further education and consulting programme for SMEs is non- ...
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The objective of the JoRIEW project is to reinforce the cooperation capacities of Jordanian research centres by promoting closer scientific collaboration with a number of ERA located research centres and universities. The JoRIEW project will help structure and enhance S&T cooperation in areas of common interest, such as research system integration, integrated energy and water planning, development ...
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Implementing European Landscape Convention in the South Baltic Region (LIFEscape)

Date du début: 11 mai 2011, Date de fin: 10 avr. 2014,

...ork and activities with the stakeholders focused around the major outputs: for Vombsankan the Landscape Analysis strategy, and for Tude A the plan of landscape measures. The LIFEscape exhibition in Lund and Sjobo has been a large success. Numerous meetings and popular events for the local people were also organized in Lithuania around the topic of landscape. Lithuanian delegation went on study tri ...
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Alpha-Mannosidosis is a rare Lysosomal Storage Disorder with a worldwide incidence of about 1:500 000. This orphan and devastating disease is caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal alpha-mannosidase (LAMAN) which is responsible for the intralysosomal degradation of mannosyl linked oligosaccharides. To date no causative treatment for alpha-Mannosidosis is available and since most of the children ...
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"Currently the identification and quantification of pollutants in water are mostly carried out manually through sampling and subsequent laboratory analysis (off-line analysis), with methodologies of work that involve some significant costs in terms of displacement to sampling points, reagents and specialized personnel dedicated to the operation, leading to time consuming and economically challengi ...
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Strong cooperation in the scientific area is needed in the Baltic Sea region in order to ensure the competitiveness of the region. There is a new cluster of large-scale research infrastructure (Lund, Hamburg, Berlin and Geesthacht as EU countries and Gachina in Russia) and some more are planned or already under construction (the European XFEL in Hamburg, ESS and Max IV in Lund, Solaris in Krakow). ...
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Cluster for Accelerator Technology (CATE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

With the prospects of big labs ESS and MAX IV, and the coming need of accelerator technology, companies in the region need to learn how to provide the required technology. To enable companies to compete internationally regarding design, construction, maintenance of high technology accelerator related equipment, close cooperation between Danish, Norwegian and Swedish universities and companies is e ...
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In the South Baltic Area with its societies and economy closely linked to the Baltic Sea, a significant number of institutions deal with oceanographic issues. Marine science institutes, enterprises for aquaculture or fisheries management, maritime agencies, environmental consultancies, local and regional authorities, or NGOs dealing with marine environmental protection - they all are in need of hi ...
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Algae be gone (ABG)

Date du début: 31 mai 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

The project will enable joint analysis, development and streamlining of the most important methods, biomanipulation (reduction of white fish stock) and other methods, such as aluminium treatment to push the quality of water towards meeting EU requirements and create conditions for local and regional development. ...
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ModNanoTox will develop a number of well-documented and technically advanced models describing the behaviour of engineered nanoparticles in organisms and the environment. Background to these models will be a thoroughly documented database, constructed based on: (1) an advanced evaluation of physicochemical properties of nanoparticles and in silico modelling of their reactivity; and (2) assessment ...
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