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4 projets européens trouvés

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Background Anadromous (migratory) fish in the lower Ebre River and the Ebre Delta in Catalonia face several conservation challenges, including: insufficient river connectivity; water eutrophication and contamination; low availability of freshwater for the river and delta; inappropriate water temperatures; alien species; fisheries; and chemical pollution. ...
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CINEA brings together leading research organisations, industry associations and innovation players from the EU and the MED region to bridge the existing gap between research and innovation in the area of food and agriculture research (societal challange 2: food safety, sustainble agriculture). The ultimate goal is to facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge to industries and public services ...
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"The overall objective of FAWIRA project is the reinforcement of cooperation capacities for food, agriculture and water related research activities of Algerian “National Institute of Agronomic Research” – INRAA in the context of the European Research Area (strengthening international research cooperation between Algeria and Europe in areas relevant to the FP7) and development to the Food, Agricu ...
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Il s'agit de: - encourager et promouvoir la production et la consommation de produits écologiques des deux cotés de la frontiere des Pyrénées, ainsi que diffuser la culture de production écologique entre les différents secteurs d’activité impliqués et les consommateurs finaux des deux régions - créer une activité économique adéquate au territoire de localisation du projet qui permette le maintien ...
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