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9 projets européens trouvés

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Background The little bustard (Tetrax tetrax), is a flagship species associated with semi-natural steppe habitats and traditional, low-input agricultural systems. With its overall distribution in rapid decline, the species is considered as globally threatened by BirdLife International (2004) and is also listed in the EU Birds Directive. The promontory of ...
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QUALITY - W 2014

Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

Even if the tourism and services sectors are now facing difficult times, many areas in Italy have the requirements to set up centres for a new development model, based on the aware and sustainable use of local resources. The main resource to count on is the human one, especially formed in prospect of the new generations who will have to be provided with suitable knowledge and skills, both professi ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The partners have identified the needs of the beneficiaries, that are at the base of the project, through interviews and focus groups, which showed some problematic elements: - ability to organize in autonomy the work; communicate effectively; availability for work mobility and passion for the profession; - lack of knowledge of the labor market and of motivation towards school and work; difficulti ...
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Renforcer, diversifier et valoriser l’offre en produits alimentaires locaux sur les territoires savoyards et de la province de Turin en étudiant et expérimentant ensemble des systèmes innovants en matière de distribution, commercialisation et promotion, et en associant les opérateurs agricoles et agroalimentaires ainsi que le mouvement consumériste.
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Date du début: 31 oct. 2009, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2011,

Tramite un'iniziativa pilota si vuole valorizzare la qualità dell'orticoltura transfontaliera sotto il profilo della sicurezza alimentare, partendo da un'attività di ricerca applicata per la diffusione di metodi di coltivazione biologici ecosostenibili.Le aziende agricole e i consumatori sono il target delle azioni di promozione e diffusione dei risultati che derivano da questo progetto.
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Date du début: 30 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2011,

Valorizzazione delle antiche varietà frutticole alpine attraverso la definizione e promozione di un paniere di prodotti trasformati a base di frutta, messi a punto, secondo un approccio innovativo, con il coinvolgimento attivo dei giovani, distribuiti nei luoghi di aggregazione giovanile, promossi attraverso attività di educazione al consumo e la creazione di centri di valorizzazione.
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Vegetable oil initiative for a cleaner environment (VOICE)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2006, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2009,

Background Unlike biodiesel, which is a fuel processed with methanol through esterification mainly used in transport by low blending (B5), pure vegetable oil (also known as Straight Vegetable Oil - SVO, or Pure Plant Oil - PPO) cannot be readily used in most diesel engines without it undergoing technological changes. The use of SVO promotes the developmen ...
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The aim of the project is to test out a range of innovative tools and models to facilitate reconversion in the tobacco-growing industry and the redeployment of producers, traders and all those employed in the sector. To this end the project will seek to promote transparency of formal qualifications and will explore the potential for transferring non-formal and informal learning. Expected results i ...
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The aim of the project is to test out a range of innovative tools and models to facilitate reconversion in the tobacco-growing industry and the redeployment of producers, traders and all those employed in the sector. To this end the project will seek to promote transparency of formal qualifications and will explore the potential for transferring non-formal and informal learning. Expected results i ...
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