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10 projets européens trouvés

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Job Shadowing

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT: In the course of my job shadowing at the Ekonomski Institut Maribor, I would like to "shadow" Mag. Vida Perko, a Vice President of Regional Board of Women Professionals and Women in Business and a Member of the Assembly of the (national) Chamber of Commer to "observe" interesting practices including entrepreneurial materials, research methods, databases, and tools on a E ...
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ONLINE Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice (ONLINE-S3)

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2018,

This project aims to develop an e-policy platform augmented with a toolbox of applications and online services, which will assist national and regional authorities in the EU in elaborating or revising their smart specialisation agenda, in terms of policies and strategy. The platform will leverage existing methodologies, initiatives and tools developed by the EC for the RIS3 strategy, but it will a ...
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NEET U Re-mobilizing experienced and resourceful seniors as NEET brokers to help young people change depressed NEET situations Social innovations do not happen by themselves. Throughout their life cycle, they need to be supported and nurtured if they are to make an impact on society and the economy. Empowering people, driving change – social innovation in the European Union, European Commission, ...
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AFTERMATCH - Life Beyond Sport

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017,

The AFTERMATCH project is a cooperation initiative implementing a pre-emptive approach for the promotion of “second careers” among athletes (young and ex) based on the valorisation of “sport-related transversal skills” which can facilitate the integration of ex-athletes in the labour market. The AFTERMATCH Modelis targeted to teachers (sport schools/academies), sport trainers, sport association/fe ...
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Digital Innovations for Growth Academy

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Digital Innovations for Growth Academy meets the strategic need defined in the Bruges Communique to improve the capacity of Vocational Education and Training to respond to the changing requirements of the labour market and to adapt VET to keep pace with shifts to new technologies, work organisation and internationalisation. Building upon the experiences of previous successful Leonardo da Vinci Tr ...
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Das Hauptziel des Projektes ist Schaffung eines Netzes zwischen den Akteuren auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, Beseitigung von vorhandenen Ungleichmäßigkeiten auf den regionalen Arbeitsmärkten auf slowenisch-österreichischen Grenzgebiet auf Grundlage des Ausbaues eines nachhaltigen Systems der Zusammenarbeit auf Gebiet der Politik für Regelung des Arbeitsmarktes, Erhöhung der Qualität des Standortes und Konku ...
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REGIOnal development LABoratory (REGIOLAB)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2009, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2012,

Improved cooperation between knowledge institutions and enterprises in the cross-border area for selected technological fields, where the cross-border region can reach critical mass of knowledge and improve competitive capacity of participants.- Increased volume of various forms of cross-border cooperation between the enterprises in the border area and improved support to promote and facilitate th ...
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good NEWSS- Network – Enterprises – Workforce, Slovenia - Styria (good NEWSS)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 30 mars 2012,

Creating competitive regions in which companies choose specialist personnel from the pool of qualified workers or reach for know-how and tools to meet the needs for personnel.- Businesses benefit from the potential of a working woman for the needs of professional fields.- Development, planning and implementation of interregional educational programs.- Counselling the firms in Styria and Slovenia r ...
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The objective of the project was a systematic and integrated approach to strengthening the competences of young people for a more effective transition from education to employment, and a contribution to the improved position of young people in the labour markets of Slovenia and Croatia by exchange of know-how and experience and by the implementation of joint cross-border activities. ...
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Many European countries, Slovenia among them, are tackling the problem of early school leavers. It has been shown that leaving school early is an indication of social exclusion in later life. Even school leavers that complete compulsory education and obtain minimum qualifications face the problems obtaining work in a decreasing job market where often even poorly paid work demands higher skills tha ...
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