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10 projets européens trouvés

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Based on the agreement between the Water Management Authorities from Hungary an Croatia and in order to ensure safe navigation of the Drava, the maintanence of the river is a joint task of both countries. This also includes the marking of the direction, edge and depth of the waterway, and marking the location of obstacles, restrictions and navigation operations with conventional signs, and also in ...
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Dikes and flood levees are not an uncommon sight in the area stretching between the Croatian town of Osijek and the Hungarian town of Mohács. It is by overhauling almost 30 kilometres of altogether four dikes\' crests that the project contributes to linking appealing tourism locations of the two countries, enabling a safer way of reaching them on two wheels. Domestic and foreign tourists, local in ...
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Elaboration of project documentation for the application of proposed revitalisation measures which are defined in a previously completed Study of revitalization of Boroš Drava area, as well as the preparation of the revitalisation plans on Dravakeresztúr’s branch Achievements: ...
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Development of a new flood forecast system jointly for the whole area to replace the old outdated and poorly connected systems from the two sides of the border. In future the forecast results will enable the Croatian and Hungarian water authorities to organize and co-ordinate their flood defense efforts in advance, corresponding to the lead time of forecast ...
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Good co-operation in environmental planning and especially in the field of natural disaster protection is essential for a carefree life of cross-border communities. In order to facilitate the everyday communication of the closely co-operating services, the project partners compiled a bilingual lexicon of water management terminology to be used for jointly implemented assignments, especially those ...
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The goal of the project is to harmonize the activities of implementing the EU Water Framework Directive and ensure the good condition of water in the river basins intersecting state borders. The project is directly focused on environment, and with that, the protection of surface water quality and in the areas where water quality is below satisfactory, to plan and implement measures for its improve ...
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On the section of the Drava River which is of joint interest for Croatia and Hungary an inspection of the systems for testing the hydrological, qualitative and ecological changes that are in use separately in each country, and developing a project for an integrated monitoring system which shall provide services in accordance with the Directive 2000 /60 /EC, and serve the interested local self-gove ...
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The goal of the project was the maintenance of the Drava River basin in the Hungarian-Croatian border region, the removal of branches, stumps and regulation facilities that are no longer in use and obstruct the safety of water traffic, in order to create conditions for safer navigation. The long-term goal in cooperation with the Croatian partner is ensuring safe navigation in the entire 128.4 km s ...
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The goals of the project include promotion of alternative transportation which will have a positive impact on preserving the natural values of the Hungarian and Croatian cross-border region, strong support to the use of environmentally friendly means of transport, development of the existing traffic infrastructure and creation of conditions for the development of safe and environmentally acceptabl ...
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The goal of the project was the maintenance of the Drava River basin in the Hungarian-Croatian border region, the removal of branches, stumps and regulation facilities that are no longer in use and obstruct the safety of water traffic, in order to create conditions for safer navigation. The long-term goal in cooperation with the Croatian partner is ensuring safe navigation in the entire 128.4 km s ...
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