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2 projets européens trouvés

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Simulation Game on right-wing populism

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

Xenopobia, anti-europeanism, and nationalism are on the rise in many EU countries. Right-wing populist parties are transferring these sentiments into political power. Although this is definitely no new phenomena in Europe, the current crisis has heated up the situation. The traditional political parties haven?t found a clear strategy how to confront this development. The sources of these sentimen ...
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In 2009, the European Parliament asked the Commission and the Member States to consider the EuroVelo- Network and Iron Curtain Trail as an opportunity for promoting European trans-border cycling infrastructure networks, supporting soft mobility and sustainable tourism?. The European Commission organised workshops to raise awareness of the ICT and awarded grants to preparatory projects to define th ...
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