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6 projets européens trouvés

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"The big winners"

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

“The big winners” is an youth exchange wich will reunite during ten days 40 young people together with 4 group leaders,all members of the”I.R.I.S.” Association from Romania and Genc Yaklasim Dernegi from Turkey.They have created this application motivated by the project coodinator’s personal experience(she participated in a television show which changed her life) and by the needs of the young peo...
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"Change your life2!"

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

“Change your life2!” is an youth exchange wich will reunite during ten days 40 young people together with 4 group leaders,all members of the”I.R.I.S.” Association from Romania and Genc Yaklasim Dernegi from Turkey. This represents a continuation of another project ( “Change your life!”) which was done through the program “Youth in Action” that the romanian association is presently implementing an...
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Outdoor Emotions

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

This training focuses on outdoor trainers, and its aim is to highlight emotions and feelings during these programmes. Besides physical challenge and activities emotions and feelings should not be neglected as this affects the mind negatively, possibly resulting in physical health or performance problems. In outdoor trainings until now feelings were not highlighted, so this programme wants to fill ...
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Tiszta élvezet (Getting Temperate)

Date du début: 1 mars 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017,

Nowadays, young people from grammar schools and universities, colleges drink a lot, smoke, and sometimes use drogs. They do not know how to amuse themselves, how to manage stressful situations. This is not good for them, their families, and also for the society. These young people cannot be the basement of a good society, they cannot establish good and long term relationships, family.The aim for o...
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Date du début: 21 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

FREAKS! Involves n. 4 countries and Turkey for a total of n.25 participants and it intends to face some of the topics regarding homophobia. The weekly program will touch different themes such as omosexuality and religion, omosexuality and society, omosexuality and family, gender orientation and the rights goes on. To each topic some movies or a "face to face" meetings with some local associations...
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Like Stars on the Earth (Yeryüzündeki Yıldızlar)

Date du début: 18 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 18 juil. 2015,

Disleksi, zekâsı normal veya normalin üzerinde olan bireylerin dinleme, anlama, düşünme, kendini ifade etme, okuma-yazma ve matematik becerilerinde zekâlarına göre daha düşük bir performans gösterdikleri en yaygın görülen bir öğrenme güçlüğüdür. Kısaca disleksi, bireyin zekâsı normal ya da normalin üstünde olmasına rağmen yaşına, zekâsı verilen eğitim düzeyine göre yeterince öğrenememesidir. Pek ç...
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