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6 projets européens trouvés

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Many citizens of Europe have been experiencing unemployment and current labour market has limited job offers (often not matching what potential candidates could offer). Unemployment is nowadays the main challange in Europe that obliges all countries to think of new strategies and resources to be developed if we really want to create a growing economy based on knowledge. The economical crises bur...
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SDL and L2L: Where are we? What next?

Date du début: 16 août 2014, Date de fin: 16 févr. 2015,

In the last 5 years Learning to Learn(L2L) and Self-Directed Learning(SDL) became well-known concepts in the Youth in Action programme. With the introduction of Youthpass and the ‘Youthpass process’ the concept of L2L was introduced within almost all activities within the Youth in Action programme. Last but not least ‘learning to learn’ being one of the 8 key-competences in the framework of the Li...
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Ukulelefication of Education - Contact Making Seminar

Date du début: 9 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 13 févr. 2015,

‘Ukulelefication of Education’ is a movement of organizations and individuals from around Europe that aims to bring change to education, using the ukulele as a metaphor for the various areas of innovation we view as both possible and necessary to achieve in contemporary educational practice. We believe that the education system has to transform from a system built on passing knowledge to learners ...
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Move! Passion for learning, learning for passion

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2015,

The main focus of the training course was the exploration of the connection between passion and learning. In discussions about learning the importance of finding your passion as a driving force for your learning is often mentioned. We also believe strongly that the connection of passions and learning is crucial for being a life-long learner. In this course we wanted to explore the implications of ...
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Non-formal Learning: Pratctce meets Reseach

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010,

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Considering Learning to Learn to be the most crucial Key Competence in the EuropeanUnion LLP (especially in the political context of the Lisbon Strategy) this project aims atdeveloping, testing and implementing a new and innovative approach in the field of nonformaladult education in order to provide learners with the required skills andknowledge enabling them to plan, organise and assess their ow...
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