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6 projets européens trouvés

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The critical situation of youth unemployment in Spain, and the great possibilities offered by other European countries in terms of jobs , makes international mobilityand traineeships , ia great oportunity to improve the employability of HE VET graduates either in the country of origin or in the destination country . The global economy has a direct consequence an increasingly competitive business ...
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European Partnership for Service Speacialists

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

International cooperation between the initial VET providers very often is focused on the mobilities of students, teachers and trainers, development of the joint new training and /or study programmes and other issues. All these fields of cooperation are very important for improvement of quality and attractiveness of initial VET in the different countries. However, the potential benefits of such coo ...
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Project targeted settled BMEs and Migrants with second or additional language to host country & refugees and economic migrants who were economically inactive. Based on the success of EQUAL project and an Education/Employment Training programme for those without English as first language delivered across Glasgow and the West of Scotland and successfully Peer Reviewed at EU level through IMPART. Pro ...
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Key competences, assumed as a reference model for education and training in Europe (2010 Joint Progress Report ), are often acquired and developed in non-formal and informal contexts; this makes them not assessed nor recognized and consequently not used by adults for their personal and professional improvement. It lacks a culture of key competences, and their value is not enough valorised. This ...
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The 20th Century was characterized by fundamental changes in the family structure. As a result the proportion of single parent households increased considerably. Unemployment among lone parents is, for various reasons, significantly higher than for parents who live together as a couple. In Europe, as almost everywhere in the world, single parents belong to the population group with the highest ris ...
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The main objectives of the project were the establishment of a Competence Centres in each country and the development of service offers according to the country specific needs. For the research and analysis of the current situation, each partner involved also educational experts, trainers, public and private organisations as well as enterprises. But the successful funktioning of such Competence Ce ...
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