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6 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 mai 2012,

'Voices Without Limits' ist ein bilaterales Jugendaustauschprojekt welches das Treffen zweier Jugendgruppen aus Irland und Liechtenstein zum Ziel hat. Beide Gruppen haben Jugendpartizipartion zum Thema, die Jugend zu ermutigen Hindernisse zu überwinden und sich in den Entscheidungsfindungsprozess einzubringen.Die Ziele des Projektes sind:- Die verschiedenen Formen der Jugendpartizipation in den be ...
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The youth exchange will take place during seven days in Ånäset, Sweden. The participating countries are Sweden, Armenia, Georgia, Portugal and Ireland. The total number of participants are 30. The theme is antidiscrimination and European awareness and the project aims to discover and challenge norms in the society which is based on ethnicity, gender, disability and HBTQ. During the project we wil ...
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Minor changes were effected following the initial application and these were related to i) the composition of thetrainer team and ii) the composition of participants from two promoters.i) In the initial application the trainers’ team consisted of one trainer from Greece (Paidia en Drasei - Kids inAction) and one trainer from Spain (Neagenia Intercultural). Due to last minute personal commitments b ...
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Youth Work Ireland Galway

Date du début: 1 juil. 2011,

...eping records, voxpops and other media recordings. The documentation gathered during the project will be used to hold a recognition event for those involved in the project. Parents, friends and other youth projects will be invited to attent the event so the group can showcase their project. It is hoped the project will be fully completed, including final reports by December.
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...erare tutti i giustificativi rischiestidal programma.The idea of this exchange comes out from six national organisations currently involved in carrying out local initiatives supported by Youth in Action Programme - Actions 1.3 Youth Democracy Projects. The scope of the exchange is allow teenagers from Ireland, Finland, Spain, Slovakia, Greece and Italy to meet each other for putting in common thei ...
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Background informationAll participants will have previously participated on the original YEGL training course in Greece (13th - 20th March 2008), organised jointly by "Kids in Action", Greece and "Youth work Ireland - Galway", Ireland, who have been co-operating over many years in youth leadership training courses. It was however, through their co-operation in the large scale multilateral youth e ...
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