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5 projets européens trouvés

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... and giving them the space to experiment within the group and receive feedback for the tools they will develop. The project is a multilateral Training Course conceived as a 4.3 Action included in the Youth in Action Programme, supported by European Commission. For 8 days, 22 participants (trainers, future trainers, youth workers - especially in the field of education) from Austria, Bulgaria, Denma ...
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Skills for Power

Date du début: 1 mars 2012,

...ER – a training course for young people with disabilities representing Programme and Partner countries, which would like to find out what Independent Living is and what kind of possibilities the EU YOUTH IN ACTION programme can give them, where afterwards through developing Independent Living skills based on the Philosophy of Independent Living young disabled people will be able also to work in f ...
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Volunteering in rural areas

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012,

The project aims to provide youth leaders/workers with useful tools for strengthening of social competences and active participation of youths in the rural community and promote volunteering for social change.The training course will take place in Kumanovo, Macedonia and will gather 20 participants from 10 European countries (Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Austria, Italy, Malta, Slovakia, UK, and Macedo ...
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Space for Inter-religion Dialogue

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

The main aim of this training is to prepare youth workers to deal with religious issues and to promote dialogue among youth with different religion belonging in international youth work. The training course will take place in Kumanovo in March 2011 and will gather participants from different European Union and neighbouring countries.The training aim to create a space for open discussion of interac ...
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Bridges for Inclusion

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

Seminar will bring together 34 youth workers, activists, disabled youngsters in Albania from three different regions of Europe. (ED, SEE western Europe and Caucasus) who are willing to set up new partnerships within YiA programme.Aim of seminar: To build strong partnerships and cooperation developing different projects in Action 3.1 and Action 2 supporting projects among experienced organisations ...
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