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5 projets européens trouvés

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Youth Water Camp 2016: Sensing the City

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

The Berlin youth camp seeks to strengthen the youth voice in the huge effort of European Water conservation – by bringing young people together & giving them tools to interact with other voices from politics, administration and civil society. Via a focal point on water in the city – water quality and the rediscovery of urban rivers, ecological continuity of the river, new challenges linked to cli ...
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Visual Facilitation in Youth Work

Date du début: 3 août 2015, Date de fin: 2 juil. 2016,

“Visual Facilitation in Youth Work” is a KA1 Mobility of youth workers financed by European Commission under Erasmus+ programme- Mobility of learners and staff with a duration of 11 months (03-08-2015 – 03-07-2016) aiming to develop practical abilities of 38 youth workers on how to apply techniques of Visual Facilitation in their work. The proper activity of the training course took place in Baile ...
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Be cool - be sustainable!

Date du début: 10 déc. 2012,

...rmany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, the United Kingdom, Turkey). Main topic of the training - sustainable lifestyle in everyday application. Main objectives: -to raise awareness of young people about importance of sustainability in our world and importance of joint efforts in tackling this issue;-to make participants aware of dramatic differences in understanding of sustainabili ...
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The project 'Building a "leaderful" European environmental youth network' aims to build a sustainable, participatory and effective youth network for young people and youth organisations across Europe working on the theme of youth for environmental and social justice. The project will provide a range of training and networking opportunities, building strong and capable leadership across the network ...
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Innovate your life : Make it Sustainable

Date du début: 1 août 2010,

Training course "Innovate your life: Make it sustainable" faces the main environmental threats -unsustainable production and consumption, pollution and climate change. It provides youth with knowledge about sustainable alternatives - solutions of these problèmes - as well as ability to distinguish sustainable from unsustainable alterntives and encourage them to become partners and multipliers in t ...
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