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25 projets européens trouvés

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Interregionales Netzwerk für Technologiekerne (SmartNet)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 30 mai 2014,

Innovations- und investitionsorientierte Entwicklungsstrategien erlauben in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten eine überdurchschnittlich rasche Erholung von Wertschöpfung und Beschäftigung. Das Projekt Smart>Net widmet sich dem Problem des Fachkräftemangels in der österreichisch-slowakischen Grenzregion sowie den knapper werdenden Ressourcen und steigenden Rohstoffpreisen. Ein dreifacher Fokus lieg ...
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Die österreichisch-ungarische Grenzregion umfasst ein Gebiet von 23.921 qkm mit rund 3,7 Millionen EinwohnerInnen. Durch die geographisch günstige Lage erfuhr die Region in den letzten zehn Jahren eine überdurchschnittlich dynamische Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Dies zeigt sich in der hohen Anzahl an aktiven und prosperierenden Klein- und Mittelbetrieben, gut ausgebildeten Arbeitskräften, einem dynamis ...
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Werkstoffwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnologie nehmen in der Region Wien-Bratislava einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in der Gesamtregion fehlt eintransnationales/intersektorales Instrumentarium zum barrierefreien Wissenstransfer. Durch eine verstärkte Vernetzung von Forschung und Anwendung wird die Region zu einem wichtigen Hochtechnologiewirtschaftsraum werden. ...
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Im Zuge der Internationalisierung und gemeinsamen Standortentwicklung im Kooperationsraum Österreich-Ungarn haben die bilateralen Geschäftsbeziehungen in den letzten Jahren rasant zugenommen. Die Herausforderungen der Zusammenarbeit liegen oftmals im kulturellen Unverständnis fremder, wenn auch benachbarter Arbeitskulturen. Weiters ergeben sich durch die länderübergreifende Zusammenarbeit häufig h ...
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Projekt OHK Brno svým zaměřením naplňuje smlouvu o spolupráci mezi jižní Moravou a Dolním Rakouskem. Vychází ze zkušenosti rakouského partnera a slovensko-rakouského projektu, proto se OHK Brno po dohodě s WIFI rozhodla předložit společný projekt. Internetová kooperační platforma rozšírená o informace o českém podnikatelském prostředí, kontaktech na poradce a partnery působící v příhraničním re ...
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Vlastní realizace projektu bude mít přímý vliv na samosprávné příhraniční regiony v ČR Jihomoravský kraj, v Rakousku okresy Weinviertel, Waldviertel, Mühlviertel. Tyto příhraniční regiony jsou v současné době z hospodářského pohledu značně nehomogenní. Specifické požadavky na společný rozvoj regionu klade stávající nestejná životní úroveň a výše mezd na obou stranách hranice, ale také odlišně ko ...
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Age-diverse recruitment is a challenge, as many standard recruitment practices and selection criteria are age-related. mature@eu helps in implementing age-diversity in recruitment.
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The main aim of the project was to prepare a learning portfolio for self-employed persons working in the area of elderly care. It supports the German and intercultural knowledge for the target group resp. more cultural sensitivity.
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Rationale of this project was the continuously growing skills shortage in the Multimedia sector in several European countries (e.g. Germany, Hungary, Switzerland), which specially affects the field of content development (e-game development/ e-learning content, Multimedia content development). This skills shortage could be overcome by employing practitioners from other European member states. Howe ...
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Promoting and supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs is a politicalpriority in all European member states and also of the EuropeanCommission DG Enterprise & Industry. However, the training and supportEuropean entrepreneurs usually get is mainly focused on initial aid duringtheir first steps into entrepreneurship. Many of new business do notsurvive their third year. This is due to the fact that no st ...
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Access to the employment market is very difficult for people with social-psychiatric disabilities. Above all a lasting vocational integration is possible only with consideration of the entire life circumstances. Therefore the partnership pursues the following goals:· Creation of adequate bases for a certain life of humans with socialpsychiatric impairments in their homeland municipalities.· Stabil ...
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Age-diverse recruitment is a challenge, as many standard recruitment practices and selection criteria are age-related. mature@eu helps in implementing age-diversity in recruitment.
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Access to the employment market is very difficult for people with social-psychiatric disabilities. Above all a lasting vocational integration is possible only with consideration of the entire life circumstances. Therefore the partnership pursues the following goals:· Creation of adequate bases for a certain life of humans with socialpsychiatric impairments in their homeland municipalities.· Stabil ...
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B-Entrepreneur general aim is to support the access to the most innovative and validated best practices in training and education in the field of entrepreneurship developed in the framework of the LLP, especially focused on the target groups and valorisation best practices. The project will contribute to reach the EU2020 and the Entrepreneurship Action Plan regarding the need of education in this ...
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In the framework of the pilot project ESO-CSA, we elaborated a European system for the certification of competences. We developed a system which enables us to identify, assess and recognize competences in small and medium-sized companies, especially those that have been acquired through non-formal learning. This European certificate contributes to a European-wide assessment and to the recognition ...
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This project sets out to produce a training system for certain categories of staff in SMEs concerned by the new requirements introduced under the Basel II agreement on capital adequacy. The initiative will benefit financial consultants to SMEs, entrepreneurs and administrative and financial staff. The end products will be distance-learning modules, virtual communities and electronic portals.
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PROTEIN will consider the issue of the recognition of competencies of SME personnel in order to both develop levels of individual employability and the potential for workforce mobility and to improve the competitiveness of individual enterprises.The project will initially undergo the exchange of analyses and existing experience across the range of partner organisations with regard to the eventual ...
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The objective of WPO-Trainer is to develop and implement a new training program / curriculum for trainers, providing them with the necessary pedagogical skills and competencies to design and deliver action- and working process-oriented training measures to masters and technicians in the construction sector. The direct target group of the training curriculum, which will be developed within the sco ...
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Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, mit Partnern (Bauarbeitgeberverbänden, Gewerkschaft, Kammern, Bauschulen und Ausbildungszentren)aus langjährigen EU-Mitgliedern (AT, DE, DK, IT, NL, SE) und neuen EU-Mitgliedsländern (PL, CZ, HU) sowie mit dem Beitrittskandidaten RO ein gemeinsames Weiterbildungssystem für die Bauwirtschaft in Europa (Kurztitel: „EUROSYSTEM Bauweiterbildung“) zu entwickeln. Unter Beachtun ...
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iTV is an interactive channel of information and training, which has already been tested in selective training environments. The aim of this project is not the further technical development, but most of all the testing of transferability to the specific learning conditions of SMEs. The in-firm training with SMEs, which needs to be independent of location, costs and needs to be problem solving orie ...
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In the framework of the pilot project ESO-CSA, we elaborated a European system for the certification of competences. We developed a system which enables us to identify, assess and recognize competences in small and medium-sized companies, especially those that have been acquired through non-formal learning. This European certificate contributes to a European-wide assessment and to the recognition ...
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Pro Europass will both establish a network of partners and create a series of support materials, to encourage Europass Training (apprenticeship training) for the metal, electro-technical, electrical and telecommunications industries.Experience shows that the implementation and promotion of the Europass Training document requires enhanced activity with industry and industry networks to further enco ...
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Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, mit Partnern (Bauarbeitgeberverbänden, Gewerkschaft, Kammern, Bauschulen und Ausbildungszentren)aus langjährigen EU-Mitgliedern (AT, DE, DK, IT, NL, SE) und neuen EU-Mitgliedsländern (PL, CZ, HU) sowie mit dem Beitrittskandidaten RO ein gemeinsames Weiterbildungssystem für die Bauwirtschaft in Europa (Kurztitel: „EUROSYSTEM Bauweiterbildung“) zu entwickeln. Unter Beachtun ...
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The objective of WPO-Trainer is to develop and implement a new training program / curriculum for trainers, providing them with the necessary pedagogical skills and competencies to design and deliver action- and working process-oriented training measures to masters and technicians in the construction sector. The direct target group of the training curriculum, which will be developed within the sco ...
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Estia-Earth aims to develop new educational structures, friendly to women, by introducing joint multidisciplinary postgraduate curricula in partner universities, involving Engineering, Computers and Sciences, and will: - develop a new framework for professional development of women, leading to courses at postgraduate level and further promote the mobility of women academic staff and students throu ...
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