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16 projets européens trouvés

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Sustainable Surfaces & Membranes (S²M)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2015, Date de fin: 30 mars 2019,

Description (EN): The Sustainable Surfaces & Membranes (S²M) project focuses on the two key areas of antimicrobial surfaces for various applications (Antimicrobial) and a wide range of innovative and customized membrane technologies (Membranes).The project is located in industrial research. The questions asked by companies from different sectors (sanitary engineering, coatings, pain ...
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lötzlicher Kindstod (Plötzlicher Kindstod - III-1-02=086)

Date du début: 31 mars 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2013,

Das Projekt hat zwei Schwerpunkte: 1. Die erfolgreiche Vermeidung von Risikofaktoren, wie in den Niederlanden praktiziert, auf die deutsche Seite zu übertragen und anzupassen um damit die Häufigkeit des plötzlichen Kindstodes, die in NRW zur Zeit 10mal höher ist als in den Niederlanden, langfristig in der Projektregion zu senken. Die SIDS-Inzidenz könnte in NRW in den drei Jahren des Projektes von ...
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Die Universitäten Münster (WWU) und Twente (UT) streben an, ihre Zusammenarbeit durch die Gründung eines gemeinsamen Instituts zu institutionalisieren. Dies wäre das eines der ersten dieser Art in der eur. Hochschullandschaft und würde Mehrwerte für beide Unis wie für die Region schaffen. Die Euregio wächst so zu einer einmaligen binationalen Wissensregion zusammen. Das schafft einen Zustrom an Do ...
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Niederländisch im Untericht (Niederländisch im Unterricht - III-3-02=037.6)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2008, Date de fin: 31 mai 2011,

Die im Rahmen des INTERREG IIIA-Projekts entwickelten Unterrichtsmaterialien von Niederlande im Unterricht sind in einigen wenigen Themenbereichen nicht mehr aktuell. Hier und vor allem bei der Anpassung an neue Kerncurricula und Rahmenrichtlinien für den Unterricht besteht Aktualisierungsbedarf. Dies wurde zum Anlass genommen, eine erneute Förderung zu beantragen. Damit wird die Einsatzfähigkeit ...
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The object of the present research project is the crisis of the welfare state with a focus on old-age provision. This crisis is viewed as being essentially a manifestation of two shocks: the exogenous shock is the restructuring of the global economy; the endogenous shock derives from the family which has provoked the problem of demographic ageing since this is nothing less than low fertility rates ...
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EUREGIO-Center for Art Restauration Technology (ECE-ACT)

Date du début: 31 août 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

Das Projekt richtet sich an Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der kunst- und kulturerhaltenden Restaurations- und Renovierungstechnik. Zwei Projektphasen sind geplant. In Phase 1 erfolgt die Umsetzung konkreter Forschungsvorhaben (u.a. die Erprobung und Bewertung von Excimer-Lasergeräten zur Restauration von Kunst- und Kulturgütern). Phase 2 sieht den Aufbau eines „Experten- und Kompetenzzentrum für Kun ...
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Healthy Active Living for Seniors

Date du début: 1 nov. 2013,

European society is ageing very fast. There is a challenge to educate older people about steps which they should undertake to keep a healthy and active life. Participation in regular, moderate physical activity can delay functional declines. However, a high proportion of older people in most countries lead sedentary lives. The project consortium proposes solutions to make seniors aware of healthy ...
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Quality in Research

Date du début: 15 oct. 2011,

The general goal of the project “Researching Quality and Quality in Research – QiR” is to promote the conversion of Western-Balkan Countries research standards with those of the EU member states, i.e. to meet the goals formulated in the Lisbon Convention and to fulfil the aims of the Bologna Process. This is done by various measures, most notably:- The introduction of quality assurance in scientif ...
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 TERMINÉ geomedia in schools

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

There are pockets of activity in using geo-media with geoinformation (GI) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Two Comenius projects supported some developments. Those involved are not networked, so the project will do this and be a place for new initiatives. An early focus will be the founding of a European Centre. This will be based at the Austrian Centre of Excellence, di ...
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Currently, teacher education in the education systems of South-East Europe are experiencing a radical change: the challenge consists in aligning the curricula of teacher-education to the European education area and effectively modernising structures such as models and methods in teacher education. With the formal introduction of gradated courses following the Bologna process, the first step has al ...
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Law and ICT Shared Virtual Campus

Date du début: 1 oct. 2007,

UIT the new economic and trading environments created alter the incorporation of new countries to the common market within the European Union, the harmonisation of legal frameworks for electronic commerce and electronic government is essential. This project will target the following actions and results: 1. Creation of an European Shared Virtual Campus on Law and ICT (Law and Information and Commu ...
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Law and ICT Shared Virtual Campus

Date du début: 1 oct. 2007,

UIT the new economic and trading environments created after the incorporation of new countries to the common market within the European Union, the harmonisation of legal frameworks for electronic commerce and electronic government is essential. The main aims of this project are thus: to create European Shared Virtual Campus on Law and ICT (Law and Information and Communication Technologies), the d ...
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The project sets out to improve communication on the web through effective use of foreign languages. The project is targeted at e-commerce SMEs and higher education students, as well as translators and designers of websites. The project will result in two main products: an educational tool allowing users to draw up foreign language versions of commercial websites and an online course on 'how to co ...
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Together with partners from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Slowakia, Hungaria and the subcontractor Webducation, the ibis acam Bildungs GmbH will implement the Leonardo da Vinci transfer of innovation project „SHE in EUROPE“ until the end of 2009.Duration: 01.01.2008- 31.12.2009Funding: European Commission, Leonardo da Vinci Programme for Lifelong Learning
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Development of tests and criteria for the certification of language competence levels in the context of vocational training.
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In critical situations when lives are in danger and material losses occur, foreign language competence is often necessary. This is strikingly evident at accidents in border areas. Typically, emergency service personnel are competent only in their mother tongue. This project intended to widen the range of languages “cross border” with a strong orientation on training and re-training the vocational ...
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