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12 projets européens trouvés

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The main objective is promotion of structural change and restrugturing employment through the diversification of rural economy based on the setting up of local and transnational Multifunctional Economic Networks. "MEN" stands for integration between rural enterprises and villages belonging to different economic sectors of a homogeneous rural area set up to overcome the structural difficulties (siz ...
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Proposed QANTUS project aims at preparation of sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science. It will contribute towards wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Ukraine and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications frameworks”. Three specific project objectives are:1. Analyses of existing standards and meth ...
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The consortium has already been selected under the 2006 - 2008 EM ECW calls and has implemented the network in 2007. During the first three years of the project implementation 785 persons have been selected and are already participating in individual mobility flows. For the third phase of the project 254 mobility flows from Russia to the EU and vice versa are planned, involving all levels of the p ...
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Project activities include ensuring permanent internal and external communication and information exchange, project webpage management, selection of students and staff by common selection committee, managing mobility flows, performing respective financial management, preparing the regular project reports. Hosting institutions for incoming Asian students and staff are responsible to carry out all a ...
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Proposed ENAGRA Project aims at modernization of curricula at four Partner agricultural Universities in Russian Federation and in Ukraine. Project results will lead to harmonization of Russian and Ukrainian higher education systems with European one ant they will directly support implementation of Bologna process in Project Partner Countries. The planned to be modernized three cycle structure curr ...
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Russian public bodies such as ministries, oblast administration and other authorities have a lack of knowledge in the sector of ecology and rural development. This lack of knowledge is increasingly growing due to the complexity of ecological relevant topics and the extremely weak interdepartmental approach in the sphere of environmental protection. Due to that gap employees of public bodies workin ...
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L05 - Russia

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

The consortium has already been selected under the 2006 and 2007 EM ECW calls and has implemented the network in 2007. During the first two years of the project implementation (academic years 2007/08 and 2008/09) 550 persons have been selected and are already participating in individual mobility flows. For the third phase of the project 261 mobility flows from Russia to the EU and vice versa are p ...
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This project will address the results of a training and information needs analysis carried out by a previous project for the meat sector in pre-accession countries. That study identified that continuous in-service training was required for workers in the industry, especially those in middle management. Many enterprises, especially SMEs, need up-to-date technologies and skills. A training system w ...
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DearsNet is a transnational network which will primarily seek to enhance the skills and competences of teachers and trainers in the sectors of agriculture and rural development within the context of lifelong learning. Through already existing networks and in this new extended partnership, the project will promote new and more innovative approaches and best practice in these sectors. Best practice ...
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The project is a Transnational Network focussing on the transfer of innovation. Based on the InnovaWood network, it focuses on recently acceded and pre-accession countries. It will form a network of specialists and special centres of vocational training that will share expertise and foster new approaches to training in this sector. The aim is to facilitate the exchange of experiences, good practic ...
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Le projet s’appuie sur le constat d’un deficit concernant la securité dans les operations forestières, sur le constat d’un taux d’accident du travail tres élevé. Les accidents coutent cher à la collectivité et ne rendent pas le métier attractif. Dans l’ensemble des mesures concourant à prèvenir les accidents professionnelles, la formation tient une place importante. Elle est considerée comme un mo ...
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