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6 projets européens trouvés

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Keeping Fit in Later Life

Date du début: 1 déc. 2010,

An ageing population is a huge problem for the whole of European society. People over 50 need to remain fit and active, both physically and mentally, to stay in the labour market for a longer period and maintain quality of life. Maintaining health and activity in later life can be achieved by increasing mental, social and physical activity, as well as by proper nutrition. Of these, the KIFLI (Keep ...
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Based on experience gained within previous EU projects, the project "Senior-guides" aims at developing, implementing and disseminating a Curriculum for the training of older volunteers to realize guided tours for senior citizens and inform them about target group oriented offers provided in their living environment (e.g. participating- and lifelong learning opportunities, social services) . Hence, ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2007,

The mediaPLAYINGcommunities project aims to establish experiments of communitycoherence and interaction, based on and centred around the pre-school pedagogicalenvironments and involving and reaching out to networks of pedagogical staff, children,parents and local companies. The project intends to let the media playing training andactivities be the focus point of this learning, working and producin ...
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The project focused on the development of a training for "participation facilitators" for social planning of the elderly. The target group of the pilot training was interested people 50+ who received a practice-oriented training to be prepared for their work.
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The project focusses on the development of a training for "participation facilitators" for social planning of the elderly. The target group is unemployed people 50+ who will receive a practice-oriented training to be prepared for their work.
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CAMET focuses on the subject of new media / new technology as a tool in childcare work. Some of the partners were involved in a Leonardo Tranversal project called "Media Playing Communities" (MPC), which created new training materials and methods for this theme; examples are digital photography and video, directly created by young children; simple filmed shows (song and dance) for local use and ex ...
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