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11 projets européens trouvés

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Knowledgemarked (Wissensmarkt)

Date du début: 31 août 2011, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2014,

Das Projekt Wissensmarkt WIN-VIN baut auf den Ergebnissen und Erfolgen des abgeschlossenen Projekts Wissen nutzen im Norden: WIN-VIN auf. Nachdem im vorangegangenen Projekt das Erkennen und Benennen aller Dimensionen von Wissen im Vordergrund stand, wird das Projekt Wissensmarkt die Wissensvermittlung in den Vordergrund rücken. Wissen wird nur etwa zu einem Drittel über formelles Lernen vermittelt ...
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Technet_nano sets up a transnational network of public clean rooms and research facilities in micro- and nanotechnology making accessible innovation resources and services to SMEs in the BSR.The problem addressed is that especially SMEs and R&D institutions in branches such as energy, climate or medical technology do not fully exploit their innovation and growth potentials in the field of micro- a ...
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Ziel des Projektes ist es, durch grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Forschung, Ausbil-dung, Innovation und Technologie-Transfer eine Laboratorium-auf-einem-Chip (Lab-On-Chip) Technologie zu entwickeln.Somit will das Projekt ein Lab-On-Chip Mikro-System entwickeln, das die frühe Entdeckung von Mikro-Organismen ermöglicht. Diese Technologie wird in vielen Bereichen angewendet werde ...
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Health Games

Date du début: 30 août 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2013,

...en. Auf dänischer Seite wurde darüber hinaus eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Veranstaltung „Innoevent“ dazu genutzt, das Projekt über 700 Schülern der technischen Schulen und University Colleges vorzustellen. Das Ziel des Projektes, die Verbindung zwischen Forschern, Studen-ten, IT-Spezialisten, Wirtschaft und Kliniken zu stärken, wurde durch diese Aktivitäten bedeutend geför-dert. Die projekteigene ...
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Northern Maritime University (NMU)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2007, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

...ject is building on the broad range of knowledge and expertise in the North Sea area which is being harnessed within a common and lasting transnational network of universities, The "Northern Maritime University" will directly address the needs of the maritime industry: To better prepare maritime business managers to cope with growing maritime traffic, port development, and rising environmental cha ...
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LogVAS - Logistic potentials for value added services in port-located areas (LogVAS)

Date du début: 31 août 2005, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2008,

The traffic flow in the Baltic Sea Region rises immediately and several studies forecast an ongoing dynamic growth in the upcoming years. Ports can benefit from this growth if they do not serve as water-gates only but also create Value Added Services (VAS) on the goods handled. In order to implement the most efficient VAS in the respective ports it is vital to acquire information regarding the kin ...
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... Achievements: A standard version of the unified systems platform (LUVIT Learning Management System) was installed at Lund University and Lübeck University of Applied Sciences. The platform is the basis to develop and run the BSVC study programs. On this basis an extended version with especially tailored features was deve ...
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The reason for the project is the need to transform learning in higher education by developing students’ skills in solving societal and economic problems. This requires design thinking, creative thinking, divergent thinking and competences in knowledge creation. The aim of integrating research and design is to generate innovation and knowledge in processes of solving complex problems. The pedagogi ...
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According to EU education and training 2020, there will be a growing demand for jobs requiring capacities of adaptation and innovation. Creativity as a source of innovative ideas is admitted to be an essential element of intelligent growth. Yet creativity is too often used in teaching as an activity of self-expression rather than a strategic tool. Moreover the strong theory orientation and traditi ...
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Multinational Undergraduate Team Work

Date du début: 1 oct. 2009,

Modern economy is highly dependent on technology requiring engineers to excel in collaborative and communication skills at an international setting. But these competences are not addressed in most engineering curricula. There is a general absence of an international context across engineering curricula.Thus, developing working habits at an international setting as early as possible may be a very v ...
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The two main objectives of the ISEKI Food 3 academic network project are: 1) to continue to contribute to the realisation of the European Higher Education Area in the field of Food Studies, and 2) to work towards the network sustainability. The work plan is fostering innovative developments, enhancement of food studies quality, and improvement of European higher education international attractiv ...
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