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4 projets européens trouvés

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L06 - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

The present proposal targets all groups (1, 2 and 3) and it provides opportunities of mobility to students (undergraduate and master’s), researchers (doctorate and post-doctorate) and academic staff. Priority is given on an impartial distribution of available positions to students from vulnerable groups (disabled students, with socio-economical problems, refugees and IDPs) through a transparent se ...
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The project Q.LIME has the objet to develop a vocational training opportunity related to “IRP and licensing management”. Specifically the project aims at producing innovative training materials that will be designed by a partnership made up of six partners.In order to achieve quality of the above mentionned materials ther partnershipwill share their experience of “creating sustems” sa as to encour ...
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The project Q.LIME has the objet to develop a vocational training opportunity related to "IRP and licensing management". Specifically the project aims at producing innovative training materials that will be designed by a partnership made up of six partners.In order to achieve quality of the above mentionned materials ther partnershipwill share their experience of "creating sustems" sa as to encour ...
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This P2T 2.0 project transferred the innovation of the previously successful Passport to Trade Project (P2T) by:a) increasing the number of European countries covered by the existing P2T project website from 25 to 31 countries by b) augmenting the resource with social media guidesc) adding guidelines and training material on industrial placements for both SMEs and placement ...
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