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The project primarily aims to strengthen the Danube regional cultural identity and brand by fostering transnational cultural ties between the settlements along the Danube, and at the same time, by exploring the unused or hidden cultural and social capital resources of this regional network. The main goal of the project is to create a comprehensive tourism strategy connecting all cities along the D ...
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Incubator units for creative industries business start ups provide much needed space and act as vital support mechanisms and catalysts for the development of entrepreneurship and innovation in this sector right across the EU. The creative industries (e.g. Advertising, Textiles, Fashion, Television & Radio, Photo Imaging, Graphic Design and Interactive Media, Publishing, Animation, Computer Games, ...
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Surpassing Energy Targets through Efficient Public Buildings (SERPENTE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Reduction of harmful emissions and efficient use of resources are key to ensuring long term sustainable development. Energy consumption in buildings represents around 40% of total final energy use in Europe. In this context, public authorities have a key role in leading by example, as the impact of energy use in publicly owned and managed buildings is huge.Thus, SERPENTE brings together 10 partner ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

...bits. After a presentation of each partner, 3 public workshops took place during the kick-off meeting, on the following themes:- Participation of all citizens and stakeholders : University of Bratislava (SK) / Mazovian Agricultural Advisory Centre (PL) / ERNACT (IR) / City of Iasi (RO) ;- Missions, budgets and training for intermediaries to public e-services :Computer Technology Institute (GR) / C ...
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...e SEE region are especially weak in terms of innovation and access to innovation, (2) there is a mismatch between the supply and demand of research products at local/regional/transnational level, (3) university connected science park lack resources and knowledge and do not work closely with SMEs. Therefore the main objective is to improve and develop support services to innovative SMEs provided by ...
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Central Europe Repair & Re-use Centres and Networks (CERREC)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2014,

Repair and reuse are important means to increase sustainable consumption of materials and products for the same or a similar use. Fundamentally it is a collection and redistribution, where products, which are no longer wanted/needed by one user, like for example computers or furniture, are given to those who want/need them. The challenge is to turn the reuse-sector to a core segment of waste manag ...
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Capability for the diffusion of innovative biodegradable solutions among producers of packaging and other plastic products is dependent on the expectations of end-user industries (food sector, retail, medical and health sector). As long as these players are not convinced of the economic and environmental benefits of introducing biodegradable packaging and half products in their production systems, ...
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Circular flow land use management (CIRCUSE)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2010, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2013,

CIRCUSE partner regions are confronted to massive urban sprawl, the current economic crisis and the effects of the demographic change that cause land use patterns that are neither competitive (e. g. in attracting viable economies, efficiently providing infrastructures) nor sustainable. Dispersed land use patterns with their high demands of land, soil and energy accelerate the process of climate ch ...
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Green management plans for European urban and peri-urban Landscapes (EUROSCAPES)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

EUROSCAPES is a shared vision of 14 partners coming from 13 EU Member States on the necessity to tackle natural and cultural landscapes' management issues in urban and peri-urban areas at an interregional level and in a sustainable way. In dense and contrasting urban environments, tackling the concept of landscapes and its related issues will prevent their loss of specificity and identity, and hel ...
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Knowledge, Innovation, Territory (KIT)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2012,

New scientific and technological powers outside the European territory are attracting considerable and increasing amounts of R&D investments. Against this background new opportunities arise but also the question of Europes ability to sustain a competitive edge in knowledge and innovation. The EC recognises the territorial dimension of the innovation and knowledge economy and its role in potential ...
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Tools for Transnational Innovation Support in Centrope (CENTROPE_TT)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012,

Innovation is regarded as an important success factor for regions in their striving for economic competitiveness. Successful regional innovation systems involve many different players in networks and enable them to easily access information. Geographical proximity is still an important aspect of an innovation system, since especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) depend, to a high degree, on ...
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The European Commission considers the Danube Region as one of the most important areas in Europe and has set up a macro-regional strategy encouraging long term co-operation to tackle a wide range of policy challenges. The capital cities of Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Bratislava and Ljubljana wish to play an active role in this co-operation. These big cities are important drivers of development. The ...
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Transnational Action for Public Private Partnership (ACT4PPP)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

Financial, structural and territorial challenges in Central Europe ask for a strengthened teamwork of public and private actors to create and maintain attractive and competitive living conditions. Due to economic and demographic changes and limits to public resources (financial, know-how) the provision of public tasks and regional/urban restructuring can no longer be provided efficiently by public ...
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Regional spatial planning policies and tools for spatial development play an important role when applying sustainable development principles as they are outlined in the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), by the European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON) or by the European Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning (CEMAT). These principles combine economic, ...
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Das Projekt spricht im Sektor Planung und Bau tätige Fach- und Führungskräfte in Europa an. Dieser Zielgruppe gehören als End- bzw. potenzielle Nutzer Architekten und Ingenieure der Fachrichtung Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Städtebau und Landschaftsplanung sowie Bauingenieure und an der Planung und am Bau beteiligte Fachingenieure aus den Bereichen Vermessungswesen, Gebäudetechnik, Bauphysik, Ba ...
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Plastic industry is the fastest growing industry in the whole EU. According to survey analysis, there is no National Occupations or Qualifications Framework created in SR regarding this specific plastic sector. Also, there is no suitable offer of educational activities and this non-systematic approach causes practical impact:- Inability to absorb new knowledge within this specific field from diffe ...
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The expected outcomes of the project are: an innovative pedagogic methodology integrating on-line activities with the curricula at each partner institution, implemented, tested and validated; critical analysis of e-learning methods and tools applied in architectural education (virtual design studios, repositories of cases of study); educational open resources stemming from the learning activities ...
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The VOCAL project ( ) follows the method and structure of the earlier successful EU project entitled Problem SOLVE ( ). The main topics included are Travel, Accommodation, Socialising, Emergencies, at Work. The new feature in the VOCAL materials is an additional LSP (Language for Specific Purposes) component relating to Business, Tourism, Banking & Services ...
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The Austrian Incubation Manager Course is a further development of BUNT (Business Development Using New technologies) / MINT (Managing the Integration of New Technologies) – Programme. The main aim of this project was to adapt the existing “Incubation Manager “–Course of the Association of Austrian Technology Centres for Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia (special needs and regional situation of ...
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The project aimed at the preservation of natural resources and the environment, supported the implementation of advanced technologies for waste treatment, disposal and recycling through the creation of an on-line system of distance learning. This system enhanced the knowledge and skills of employees within various branches of industry, agriculture and public authorities, SME managers, VET students ...
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The aim of the VOCAL-Medical project was to transfer innovation from the LdV TOI project VOCAL (2007-2009) and other relevant EU projects which relate to language learning in vocational contexts to a new area, namely the healthcare sector. The project targeted those healthcare professionals who find themselves having to communicate with patients who are non-nationals in emergency situations where ...
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Although there are no exhaustive figures on mobility in IVT, the number of apprentices undertaking training in another Member State is nonetheless estimated at 1% on average, even if the number of opportunities for mobility doubled between 2002 and 2005 thanks to the European Commission’s incentive policy. An in-depth study (Move it) has identified several obstacles to mobility, including legal ...
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The NFATEC project will develop a two-part training programme, for Engineers in the Construction industry, involving a combination of self-learning and web-based tutor interaction. The programme will be aimed both at existing employees and recent graduates considering entry to the sector.Existing materials, developed through the previously funded Leonardo da Vinci project 'SSEDTA', will be adapted ...
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Preamble The foundation of an academic ERASMUS network of HEI in Europe in the filed of career guidance degree and study programs can be seen as the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission and the OECD made on the basis of their comprehensive studies carried out in the last eight years.» The planned ERASMUS network emphasises the unique wide-ranging scientific responsibili ...
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MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are a new approach to lifelong learning which provides free access to selected courses and some services for very large audiences. MOOCs now are accepted as part of LLL provisions opening up HE, improving access to HE and responding to the needs and interests of people. However, it needs to be recognised that, to date, most investment in OER and in MOOCS has tak ...
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The project aims to the definition and adoption of an iQA system of SPs in the RF, consistent with the ESG and compatible with their organisation, and of an online documentation and monitoring system of their quality. The project will be especially addressed to technological education, but most topics are universal and can be applied to all fields of education as well. The first outcome of the pro ...
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The wider objective of this project is to develop education in the field of energy efficiency at post-secondary and professional Masters levels. Thereby this project contributes to the modernization of the educational systems of Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro. Specific objectives include: the design of quality professional programs in five universities in the region; the delivery of programs accor ...
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...programme presential and online will be implemented and the FM plans and systems will be modernized. -to Strengthen Universities networking capacities through the creation of a National Network for University Mangers as a sustainable platform to support the exchange the good practices and to promote governance reforms in Libyan Higher education system . Sustainability will be insured through ...
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...llution and to support the water policies in Western Balkan countries. This will be achieved in the following partial steps:• Development of capacity to provide up-to-date training for the staff of University of Novi Sad, University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka related to monitoring of priority substances, emerging substances, persistent organic pollutants and othe ...
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...quirement and related management process necessary to “measure” the quality of SPs will be identified and procedures for their collection and documentation will be defined. Then the necessary University facilities for the collection and documentation of the identified information and data will be organised and the software for their on-line management will be designed and produced.Implementation o ...
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The OIKODOMOS Virtual Campus ( has been created with the support of the LLLP programme 2007-2009. We have developed, implemented, tested and evaluated an innovative pedagogic model based on a blended learning approach which combines on-line learning activities carried out in web-based environments with seminars and design studios physically taking place at the participating univ ...
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In the context of lifelong education the career counselling represents a set of activities that allow to citizens of every age and in every stage of life to identify their possibilities, competencies and interests, to be able to decide about their education, vocational training and employment, and to master his personal career in education, work and other areas in which they adopt and/or use these ...
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...ies, agriculturalconsumption water, public companies and offices operating in water treatment and recovering).- To develop "Lifelong Learning" (LLL) policy by training some specialists, i.e. not only university staff but also non-university trainees such as officers and managers of public authorities having environmental competences and of companies involved in water management and treatment.- To ...
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... with the cooperation and involvement of the 'ExchangeAbility Ambassadors' (students with disabilities) from both welcoming and sending universities. A group consisted of ExchangeAbility Ambassadors, university teachers/officials, former Erasmus students and other stakeholders will promote their home institution in terms of exchange programmes, stressing especially the opportunities and possibilit ...
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The European Japanese Exchange Project in Nuclear Disciplines covers the mobility programme of students at the Master level ofNuclear Engineering and other Nuclear Disciplines related to the application of nuclear technologies and radiation sciences. Theproject includes exchanges of students and faculty members between five European and three Japanese institutions. All institutionsare already mutu ...
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This project is framed in the current debate concerning the impact that education may have (and should have) on the well being of developed democratic society (USAID, 2007; UNESCO, 2006) and focuses this crucial aspect of contemporary life by paying particular attention to the role that legal and judicial education play in European societies. Within the EU legal and judicial education perform an ...
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The project aims to create an innovative pedagogic methodology integrating online activities with the curricula at each partner institution, implemented, tested and validated; critical analysis of e-learning methods and tools applied in architectural education (virtual design studios, repositories of cases of study); educational open resources stemming from the learning activities conforming to st ...
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...l Engineering (HSCE) in Ceske Budejovice in assessing the clarity and feasibility of the proposed practical guides in the form of participation in the implementation of pilot courses. Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of civil engineering, UTE Ceske Budejovice, Slovakien Technical University in Bratislava, which are another part of consorcium. Tile Guild CZ represents artisans from pra ...
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The project aims to produce case studies of structural design to the new Eurocodes (focused on standardization and mobility) based on re-design of a real recent building construction project and incorporating the requirements of the National Annexes (adaptation of Eurocodes to national requirements), Health and Security-related issues and construction practices of each partner country. Target grou ...
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