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15 projets européens trouvés

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The severity of natural disasters significantly affect environment, causing extensive damage. The countries of Western Balkan are exposed to a variety of natural hazards including floods, droughts, forest fires, earthquakes, and landslides. The general situation in WB countries is inadequate professional qualification and technological disciplines for education of human resources, the lack of spec ...
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EuNIT – European project desigN and management In the South MediTerranean region

Date du début: 15 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2019,

EuNIT targets the management and operation of HEIs in Jordan, Lebanon and Libya by focusing on increasing their international activity. In order for HEIs in these countries to increase their participation in international cooperation projects and benefit from opportunities available to them through programmes such as Erasmus+, H2020 and ENI, they require greater expertise in project design and man ...
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European Multimodal and Digital Education for Language Learning

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

...will also produce data to develop a Common Framework of Reference for Digital Literacy (CFRDiL). Number and profile of participants6 higher education institutions: Università di Messina (Italy); University of Leeds (UK); Università di Firenze (Italy); Aarhus Universitet (Denmark); Università di Roma-Tor Vergata (Italy); LUH-Hannover (Germany). The 3 Italian participants have experience of an analo ...
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...a of educational institutions across Europe, opening up the Internet of Things career prospects to thousands of people - professionals, VET students, technology geeks, secondary school pupils and university students. The educational module produced as a part of IOT-OPEN.EU project will be developed and delivered in close cooperation with the Internet of Things industry representatives, involving d ...
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RESeaU Méditerranéen pour l’Employabilité

Date du début: 15 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 14 oct. 2018,

This project aims at enhancing and reinforcing the role and potential of HEIs in the development of employability in the Mediterranean countries by adopting a transversal entrepreneurial mind-set at the HEIs and by opening and structuring the dialogue between the universities, the enterprises and the policy makers, addressing in this way the four priority actions established by the EC, OECD and ET ...
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"The CERMAT2 project is aimed to train young researchers in understanding the modelling of Solid Mechanics problems applied to the process and design of advanced ceramics in a synergic collaboration between academia and industry, in view of social developments related to enhancement of industrial production and pollution reduction.In the EU, the ceramic industry is employing about 200,000 people a ...
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"FrontierCities - European Cities driving the Future Internet" (frontierCities)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

...EBN Network), combined with a range of local innovation actors and business enablers. A quality technology support dimension is ensured by three organisations previously involved in FI-PPP, including University of Surrey and Engineering SpA. Vertical Technology support (WP2) and Marketing (WP3) are included to ensure top quality support to grantees and to the market uptake work (WP6). A first set ...
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"Ceramic industry is broadly developed in Europe and the current investment is estimated at € 26 billion. With its € 9,2 billion segment, Italy is a leader country in the production of traditional ceramics, while France, UK and Germany are driving countries for advanced ceramics, growing at 21% per year.Advanced ceramics are crucial for new technologies and nano-tech applications addressed to ther ...
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"The SYMBIOSIS-EU project will bring together 14 partners from 6 EU countries (plus one each from NZ and US) to study meat safety & quality. The overall aim is to identify and quantitatively evaluate practical and easy to use chemical, biochemical and molecular indices and establish their applicability as quality monitors for inspection of meat safety and quality. The project will apply a multidis ...
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"Standard therapy of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is based on potent cocktails of drugs targeting viral proteins. This treatment is associated with severe side effects and is almost unaffordable for the patients living in sub-Saharan Africa. Incomplete suppression of HIV replication results in drug-resistance. Therefore, a continued research effort is required to ...
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THermoAcoustic Technology for Energy Applications (THATEA)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

"The objective of the THATEA project is to advance the science and technology behind the thermoacoustic energy conversion processes to such a level that would enable reaching conversion efficiencies at which the application of the technology becomes economically attractive. Based on the results obtained, the most promising application areas will be identified for further development. Thermoacous ...
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Resources and Services Virtualization without Barriers (RESERVOIR)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2008, Date de fin: 31 mars 2011,

Description The goal of the RESERVOIR project is to increase the competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing a powerful ICT infrastructure for the reliable and effective delivery of services as utilities.The main goal of the RESERVOIR project is to increase the competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing a powerful ICT infrastru ...
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Transatlantic Degree Cinema and Language

Date du début: 16 sept. 2010,

The University of Messina, the Universidad de Cordoba and Virginia Commonwealth University, founding members of the Centre for Integrative Mediterranean Studies, have established a Transatlantic Degree in Cinema and Language (TDC&L), weaving existing graduate courses in specific areas of expertise at each university into an innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum in cinema studies that explores i ...
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The project originated from the social requirement to increase the quality of education in the field of security. The fault of the current educational systems is common detachment of the taught theory form the real practical requirements. That is the reason why it is necessary to focus more on the way in which the participants of LLP can be prepared for the challenges which emerges from the labour ...
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