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Background The worldwide demand for nickel (Ni) is experiencing an unprecedented growth under current industrial and economic pressures. The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) classified Ni as a raw material with high economic importance. However, mine production mainly takes place outside of the European Union, whose mine output (in New Caledonia, Gre ...
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Securing future-proof environmentally compatible bioenergy chains (SECURECHAIN)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

SecureChain promotes a Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) that meets highest environmental quality standards and targets local biomass suppliers, energy producers and financial sector players to mobilise more biomass, maximise the share of sustainable bioenergy in the final energy consumption, and reduce the transaction costs for further market uptake of most efficient systems in six Europ ...
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Multiscale Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flows (MUMOLADE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

"Landslides and debris flows are serious geo-hazards common to countries with mountainous terrains. The high speed and the enormity of debris mass make debris flows one of the most dangerous natural hazards. Debris flows are often triggered by landslides partially or completely mobilizing into debris flows. Globally, landslides cause billions of dollars in damage and thousands of deaths and injuri ...
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SEDimentforschung und -management an der DONau (SEDDON)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

Die unterschiedliche Nutzung der Donau hat den Sedimenthaushalt des Flusses stark beeinflusst. In Stauräumen kommt es zur Verlandung und in freien Fließstrecken tritt Sohleintiefung auf. Diese beträgt östlich von Wien ca. 2 cm pro Jahr und östlich von Budapest 3 cm pro Jahr. Für die Schifffahrt stellen geringe Fahrwassertiefen in Furten ein großes Problem dar. Daraus folgt die Notwendigkeit, Sedim ...
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Future of Waste (FUWA)

Date du début: 5 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 29 juin 2014,

In der Europäischen Union wird nur ein Drittel des Restmülls wiederverwertet. Der größte Teil davon landet auf Deponien oder in Verbrennungsanlagen. Mit der neuen EU-Richtlinie ist eine mehrstufige Abfallhierarchie eingeführt worden, die den Fokus auf Abfallvermeidung und -wiederverwendung legt. Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie das Abfallvolumen minimalisiert und bestehende Anlagen ...
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In FarmPath, we propose that increasing sustainability in agriculture is best addressed by enabling flexible combinations of farming models, which vary to reflect the specific opportunity sets embedded in regional culture, agricultural capability, diversification potential, ecology, and historic ownership and governance structures. We will enable progress towards this goal of increased regional s ...
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Geodätische Neuerfassung des Systems Neusiedler See - Hanságkanal (GeNeSEE)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2014,

Im Neusiedlersee - dem Meer der Wiener - kann eine zunehmende Verschlammung beobachtet werden. Für diese Entwicklung gibt es leider keine eindeutige Erklärung, dafür sind die Auswirkungen auf Flora, Fauna und die Schifffahrt umso größer. Darüber, wo und wie viel Schlamm sich an welchen Stellen des Neusiedlersees angesammelt hat, gibt es keine verfügbaren Daten. Aus diesem Grund soll der Boden mitt ...
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Standortsicherung im Kalkalpin

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

Das Projekt Standortssicherung im Kalkalpin (SicAlp) wird von der EU, den Forstverwaltungen Bayerns, Oberösterreich, Salzburg und Tirol, dem österreichischen Lebensministerium und den österreichischen Bundesforsten mit 1,07 Mio. Euro gefördert. Ziel des Projektes SicAlp ist es, Grundlagen für eine adaptive Behandlung kalkalpiner Wälder in Bayern, Tirol, Salzburg und Oberösterreich zu erarbeiten. D ...
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Die Slowakei wie auch Österreich verfügen über langjährige Erfahrung in der Zement- und Betonproduktion. Ein Beitrag zur Senkung der CO2 Emissionen könnte geleistet werden, indem auf die Verwendung von bislang nicht verwendeten Zementsorten umgestiegen wird. Das Projekt Envizeo befasst sich mit einer in der Slowakei wie auch in Österreich bislang nicht eingesetzten Zementart. Bei deren Verarbeitun ...
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Der Alpen-Karpaten-Korridor verbindet diese Gebirge und ermöglicht damit den unverzichtbaren Austausch von Genmaterial zwischen Wildtierpopulationen. Diesetraditionelle Wanderroute quert heute eine der wirtschaftlich dynamischsten RegionenEuropas.Mit der Grundlagen-Arbeit im Projekt AKK basic liegt erstmals eine fundierte Basis für die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen vor. Diese sollen in den zentralen Ber ...
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Die Alpen und die Karpaten bilden wertvolle Großräume mit reicher Artenvielfalt. Mit fortschreitender Zersiedelung und Flächeninanspruchnahme wird der Austausch zwischen Wildtierpopulationen immer stärker unterbunden. Ziel des Projektes ist die Planung von Maßnahmen zur Schaffung von für Wildtiere durchlässigen Korridoren im Grenzgebiet Slowakei – Österreich.Ziele:• Durchführung von sektorübergrei ...
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Viele Menschen sind am Arbeitsmarkt benachteiligt, oder mit Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit konfrontiert. Das Projekt RE:design:[net]WORK verbindet das Thema Beschäftigung mit dem Thema Umwelt und hier insbesondere mit dem Bereich Abfallwirtschaft: Ausrangierte Gegenstände werden zu (Kult)produkten des täglichen Lebens verarbeitet (ReUse-Design), und dabei ergeben sich Beschäftigungspotenziale auf den E ...
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Die erwartete Klimaänderung ist eine der größten Herausforderungen der Menschheit (IPCC). Dies gilt insbesondere für Wald-Ökosysteme, da diese auf Grund ihrer langen Lebensdauer sich nur sehr langsam an sich ändernde Umweltbedingungen anpassen können. Laut ungarischen meteorologischen Analysen erleidet innerhalb des Karpatenbeckens die Zielregion die stärksten negativen klimatischen Veränderungen, ...
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Universitäten spielen eine Schlüsselrolle im Innovationsprozess und in der Praxis des Transfers von Technologien. Die Qualität der Forschung und eine funktionierende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Forschungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen sind für eine erfolgreiche Anwendung und Umsetzung von neuen Erkentnissen und Technologien ausschlaggebend. Das Projekt der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit in Forsch ...
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Česká republika je sice již několik let součástí Evropské unie, nelze však jednoznačně říci, že se vyvíjí obdobně jako její vyspělejší sousedé. Zvlášť markantní je to v oblasti úspor energie spotřebované při bydlení. Zatímco v Rakousku (a Německu) je výstavba nízkoenergetických domů státem finančně podporována a v rámci evropského programu CEPHEUS (cost efficient passive houses as european stand ...
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A network of regional experts aims at the integrated use of advanced science-based methods to monitor, assess, and predict air pollution and noise and their impact on the environment, quality of life and health along major transport routes. These methods are adapted to the Alpine topography and its specific meteorological phenomena which often amplify the levels of concentration and noise. The pur ...
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GENDER ALP! aims for the implementation of mandatory instruments in administrations at local and regional level for a sustainable spatial development and public house-holding practice following a gender sensitive approach, in short: to implement the EU-policy of gender mainstreaming into the decision making process of the Alpine countries. The project intends to support local and regional administ ...
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The project’s wider objective is the establishment of a sustainable / operational network for academic exchange between Central Asia and European countries with a view to creating centres of excellence in CA Region. The CASIA project aims at the following specific objectives: - To enable a larger group of talented CA students to study at EU universities and benefit from already established educati ...
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Restructuring of doctoral studies in Serbia

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

The proposal addresses one of the most acute problems in Serbian HE: harmonization of doctoral studies with the needs of academia, industry and society at large, as well as with the current EU practice. The wider objective of this project as a structural measure is to restructure doctoral studies in Serbia in line with the Bologna Process and Salzburg Principles, emphasizing quality of research a ...
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The core domain of TIMUR consortium is Life Sciences. Therefore Partnerships offers the following thematic fields of study: Agricultural Science, Climate Change, Sustainable Energy, Natural Science, Social Science and Geography as well thematic fields as Business studies & Management Sciences, Engineering & Technology and Mathematics & Informatics & Communication.The wider objective of Partnership ...
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The project aims at developing and fostering the international academic mobility between the EU and Russia through a network initiated in year 2007 between 12 Russian and 8 EU Higher Education Institutions in the field of Agriculture, Life Sciences, Food Chain and beyond. This proven network serves as base and is expanded with regard to two aspects: 1. Three HEIs from Russia, with no experiences i ...
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The project “Strengthening the Lifelong Learning in Environmental Sciences in Russia – STREAM” will strictly address its wider objective – contribute to the development of a national framework for lifelong learning in line with the needs of a knowledge-based society in Russia. The project strives to achieve three specific objectives:1. Setting-up a horizontally & regionally distributed network for ...
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The project aims to develop cooperation between Asian and European higher education institutions, through the exchange of students and staffs. The objective is to build structured long-term cooperation between all partners, resulting in a sustainable network. The project offers the perfect opportunity to boost the exchange of know-how for curriculum development, new teaching methods, training of r ...
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TOSCA will enable and organise mobility of 100 CA nationals to EU universities. Each of the 12 CA partners universities will send to EU partners 6 mobile individuals (two undergraduate, one master, one doctoral or one post-doc students and two members of staff - one academic and one administrative) which is 72% of total number of total mobilities. However 6 people is a small number in terms of ...
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The Consortium brings a wide range of disciplines together, but focuses in specific on agriculture, life sciences, trans-boundary natural resource management and climate change. The wider objective is very relevant in the context of partner Universities modernisation and adaptation of their education capabilities towards reformed countries economy in the region. The chosen main disciplines are add ...
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Today, agriculture is a global enterprise. If agriculture graduates are going to be competitive in today's job market, they will need to be equipped to address global issues of the food and fiber system. European and U.S. consumers alike are increasingly concerned about the source, quality and safety of their food products. This project will study this issue from a global perspective. Having s ...
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Men and Books

Date du début: 1 mai 2012,

MEN & BOOKS - for a risk free use of the European written cultural heritageBook and paper conservators and archivists all over Europe have a big common unsolved problem: mould. Mould destroys our cultural heritage. Especially books and charters in archives, being unique by nature and thus extremely valuable for our understanding of Europe´s past are very much at risk to be lost due to microorganis ...
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The general level of integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching haD increased greatly over the past years. However, forestry education in Slovakia have been using traditional didactical approaches such as theoretical class teaching, set of lectures more or less mixed with practical field training and excursions. It has relied mainly on traditional learning tools e. ...
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"The project aims at increasing quality of higher education system in the domain of environmental management and environmentally-safe nature management, using experience of EU and Partner countries on application of up-to-date information technologies. The following results are expected: (a) creation of integrated system of single space for higher education in the domain of environmental managemen ...
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The main objectives of this Thematic Network is to initiate and contribute to the structural development and the assurance of the quality assessment of the emerging discipline of Biosystems (or equivalent Agricultural and Biological) Engineering in Europe. The need for such development was established by the USAEE Thematic Network, which was concluded with the end of its dissemination year (30.09. ...
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The project team built accredited (by LANTRA) training programmes that developed workforce skills to install & maintain a green roof that hold solar panels as well as stimulate pollinators.
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The proposal intends of curriculum development for the discipline of engineering (construction engineering ) as well as introduction of the concepts of E-learning in Russian universities assistd by EU partners from DE, AT and SL. The 3-year JP aims at up-grading of IT education within study programmes in construction engineering through development and implementation of ICT modules (CAD, CAE and c ...
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The project intends to develop an e-learning teaching package for adequate selection of advanced threedimensional laser scanning surveying techniques. This will consist of a number of decision making flowcharts illustrated with images and examples of deliverables, in which the user will learn how to decide and apply those tools in preventive surveying for risk awareness (management). The on-line t ...
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The project intends to pursue the objective of Lisbon declaration by developing Biotechnology sector at European level. Its aims are to develop a formation more pertinent to the modern needs of enterprises, to avoid academic constrains by favouring international courses which are capable to attract students from outside Europe. On the other hand we are expecting an increase on employability of you ...
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L05 - Russia

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

The consortium has already been selected under the 2006 and 2007 EM ECW calls and has implemented the network in 2007. During the first two years of the project implementation (academic years 2007/08 and 2008/09) 550 persons have been selected and are already participating in individual mobility flows. For the third phase of the project 261 mobility flows from Russia to the EU and vice versa are p ...
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