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13 projets européens trouvés

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The project has been developed to solve the issues of low adult participation in life-long learning and high unemployment. This project will contribute to meeting the Europe 2020 goals to increase employment rate by 75% and participation target of 15% in lifelong learning through development of the basic and specific competences of adult educators-practitioners. According to the data of the need ...
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Digital Innovations for Growth Academy

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Digital Innovations for Growth Academy meets the strategic need defined in the Bruges Communique to improve the capacity of Vocational Education and Training to respond to the changing requirements of the labour market and to adapt VET to keep pace with shifts to new technologies, work organisation and internationalisation. Building upon the experiences of previous successful Leonardo da Vinci Tr ...
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Professionals and Youth in Partnership

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The aim of Professionals and Youth in Partnership (PYP) is to bring together, through the development of complementary training methodologies and the creation of new and/or expanded training materials, two groups of people - professionals and youth - who are each in a unique position to have a major impact on the lives of some of the most vulnerable and at risk women and young people in the EU. W ...
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Agit-pop. Curso de formación sobre roles de género y cultura pop.

Date du début: 18 juin 2014, Date de fin: 18 déc. 2014,

Agit-pop is a training course for youth workers and educators. We have had 30 participants from Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Turkey, Ukraine and Spain, and expert trainers on gender issues and the development of creativity. In this course we have joined the need to promote gender equality among young people with the development of elements of popular ...
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Outreach, empowerment and diversity

Date du début: 1 déc. 2011,

This network will bring together 16 organisations from 14 countries. Our aim is to tackle the need for outreach to marginalised groups, especially migrants and ethnic minorities, for the development of more diversity in adult education, and especially the inclusion of learners’ voices, and for the empowerment of its learners to become active European citizens.We want to - provide a collection and ...
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Human Rights Theatre

Date du début: 3 août 2013,

"Human Rights Theatre" is a 5 days Training on Forum Theatre, hosted by Arttrain for 30 participants from: Belarus, Denmark, Iceland, Republic of Moldova, Sweden, UK and Ukraine. It will take place at Sakskoebing Youth Hostel in Guldborgsund Municipality, DK, from 9-14.9.2013."Human Rights Theatre" will especially train tools from the interactive dramaform Forum Theatre, which is recognised as an ...
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Based on the TC “Your chance – be a part of Europe! Non-formal education for local and regional youth engagement” (2010) and the TC “Take a walk on the European Side: Capacity building in non-formal education for local and regional youth engagement” (2011) the current project "Move it, Europe! Strengthening the capacities of Youth Leaders in non-formal education" is aimed to support the participan ...
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The Partnership Building Activity "Touch-and-go? The inclusion of youth with disabilities in the Youth in Action programme"realised by DINARA FORUM and its international project partners will bring together youth workers and social workers withthe aim to exchange experiences, methods and skills in the field of work with young people with disabilities, following toshare strategies for the inclusion ...
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Date du début: 1 oct. 2003,

The outcome of the LOSOL project was the European Network LOSOL whose aim was to act as an association - located in the city of Chemnitz through which partners could continue the transnational work of LOSOL. Members from Iceland, Spain, Malta, Slovenia, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Germany aimed to promote the implementation of the European concept of lifelong learning ...
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There are many ways to play tutor`s roles, but there are not many studies about tutor roles and their relations between e-learning methodologies and approaches. The main objective of the project is the development of a systematic approach to the VET of tutors on line (TOL), based on investigations into the individual training needs. Specific aim of this project is the development of innovative and ...
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The project focuses on training for maritime personnel (working on ships and in ports) and intends to elaborate a competence portfolio of new professions in the sector and disseminate it in order to promote professional mobility. The main aims of the project are: to analyse and address emerging training needs in various aspects of marine transport in the partner countries, with a view to identifyi ...
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ICT Employee empowerment : A portal and online learning tool are in the process of being refined. They will provide work guidance counselors with the skills to train ICT company employees in personalised career management. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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This project sought to address Europe’s need for:1. More women entrepreneurs and more women to create and grow small businesses.2. More ICT capable, competitive, innovative and productive small businesses.3. Quality and relevant enterprise learning and support systems for women so that they can tackle current economic and technology challenges.This project will develop an innovative learning model ...
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