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22 projets européens trouvés

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Capitalising Climate Change Knowledge for Adaptation in the Alpine Space (C3-Alps)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

... Areas, and conclusions drawn from the dialogue group survey that was also published on the project website. C3-Alps intensified the cooperation with other networks (e.g. the European Environment Agency or Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention). More than 20 stakeholder workshops were organized and the project achieved a high media coverage.
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Sun, water and biomass are a natural capital of the Alpine Space. It is a must to use them for the production of energy. Besides intelligent grids, storage systems will be key enablers for a future mostly renewable energy supply.Electric vehicles (EV) will be integral elements of the future energy system. Their batteries can be charged with excessive power from intermittent energy sources and elec ...
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Assessing Territorial Attractiveness in SEE  (Attract-SEE)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

Effective monitoring system and better coordination among different development and sectoral policies are basic conditions for achieving territorial cohesion and territorial development goals on transnational, national, regional and local level. Project ATTRACT-SEE will support policy makers to achieve better coordination of territorial cohesion and growth policies as well as their implementation ...
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The main problem addressed is the marginalization that a major transport infrastructure (MTI) can cause to alpine areas. The project aims at making mountain areas catch the opportunities of MTIs, rather than just suffer their environmental and social impact, targeting the phases of piloting and policy implementation.The project foresees the elaboration of an unbiased method to measure the value of ...
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 TERMINÉ major ecological impacts caused by individual vehicles . Based on this fact, EU-, national strategies and INTERREG-outcomes a project was jointly developed under the leadership of the Environment Agency Austria. The proposed project aims at achieving 'Durable environmentally friendly tourism accessibility and connection to, between and in sensitive regions of the Alps and Carpathians, benefiti ...
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As population of our cities grow, so does land area and this result in increase of an average temperature. The buildings and roads absorb temperature produced during the day, like giant heaters, and store it. The energy is then released during the night time. This often means a big difference in the temperature between city and its surrounding areas.This phenomenon is called the Urban Heat Island ...
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BIOREGIO Carpathians is aimed at enhancing the integrated management of the Carpathians protected areas and natural assets in a transnational context and thereby increase the attractiveness of the region. The Carpathians, the largest mountain range of Europe, harbour a unique natural heritage and act as a major ecological link within Europe. Experiences e.g. from the Alpine Space demonstrate that ...
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Rebuilding of Marine Cavernous Boulder Reefs in Kattegat (BLUEREEF)

Date du début: 1 août 2006, Date de fin: 1 avr. 2013,

...mme, the prohibition of fishing at or around the restored reef was lifted. Bottom trawling, however, is a threat to stone reef and in order to protect the reef habitat the Danish AgriFish Agency is planning a prohibition for bottom trawling at stone reefs in Natura 2000 sites, including the Natura 2000 sites, Læsø Trindel and Tønneberg Banke. The goal is to stop trawling at the reef and in a bu ...
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Cooperative approaches to transport challenges in Metropolitan Regions (CATCH_MR)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

CATCH_MR will explore and adapt sustainable transport solutions for metropolises and their regions.12 partners will take part in the project, representing 7 Metropolitan Regions (MRs): Oslo/Akershus (NO), Gothenburg Region (SE), Berlin-Brandenburg (GE), Vienna/Lower Austria (AU), Ljubljana Urban Region (SL), Budapest/Central Hungarian Region (H), Province of Rome/Lazio Region (I). Efficient, relia ...
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Capitalisation and Dissemination of ESPON Concepts (CADEC)

Date du début: 29 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

The main aim of the project is to capitalise on and disseminate ESPON results and activities using concepts included in ESPON Priority 1 projects as a gateway to ESPON reports. To realise this, the project follows a three-pronged implementation strategy: 1.The construction of an information network between Project Partners, and at a national level between Project Partners and members of the nation ...
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Sustainable flood management strategies for cross border river basins (FLOOD-WISE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

Meuse, Roer, Elbe, Sava, Western Bug and Tisza-Somes) represented by 15 selected partners. Overall objective of the project is identification, sharing and transfer of good practices on sustainable cross-border flood management in European river basins, using the instruments of the FRMD. Therefore, the project is divided in three phases, following the steps of the FRMD and addressing the three diff ...
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Climate Change and Impacts on Water Supply (CC-WaterS)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2012,

Climate change (CC) affects fresh water resources and may have significant influence on public drinking water supply. Land use activities exert pressure on water resources and will change according to CC. It is crucial for safeguarding future water supply to anticipate these climate and land use changes and to assess their impacts on water resources. Transnational action is needed to prepare SEE f ...
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Based on existing partnership among Protected Areas (PA) along the river Danube the "Danube River Network of Protected Areas" will be established in accordance with the appeal launched by the "Declaration of Tulcea" in April 2007 ( For the first step, the partnership includes 10 PAs from 6 Danube countries, additional partners (e.g. in Germa ...
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Assessment of Regional and Territorial Sensitivity (ARTS)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2011,

An effective exploitation of Europe’s territorial capital requires deeper insights into the various territorial effects of EU sector legislation and policy as well as on how they structurally reinforce each other. Policymakers increasingly acknowledge the need to consider ex ante possible territorial effects of new EU sector legislation and policy as they might have both directly and indirectly of ...
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Climate Change Adaptation by Spatial Planning in the Alpine Space (CLISP)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 30 août 2011,

Climate change impacts, esp. growing risks from natural hazards, increasingly threaten settlements, infrastructure, lives and future development in the Alpine Space. CLISP aims at preventing increasing climate change-related spatial conflicts, vulnerability, damages and costs by providing "climate proof" spatial planning solutions as a substantial basis for future sustainable territorial developme ...
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The aim of NATREG project is to acknowledge, realise and promote the potentials of natural assets and protected areas (PA) (e.g. Natura 2000, IBA, parks, nature reserves etc.) as drives rather than obstacles for sustainable regional development. This aim will be achieved through the establishment of trans-national and multi-sectorial cooperation network which will develop the "Joint Strategy for I ...
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been pivotal in raising awareness on the costs of human inaction and interference with the climate system. The IPCC also indicated the urgency for studies disaggregated to the regional and even local scale. Furthermore, the IPCC identified a strong need for scenarios at regional and local scales to enable appropriate impact assessments. In i ...
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Common Strategy network for Spatial Development and Implementation (CONSPACE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2003, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

The region involved faces a pre-accession situation and is geographically as well as functionally a interface to future EU enlargement. The region is characterised by highly diversified types of landscape and physical structures with a vast natural and cultural heritage. The system of central places is without a dominating agglomeration. The net of the north/south and east/west TEN- & TINA-corrido ...
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Trilateral Wadden Sea Forum (WSF)

Date du début: 29 sept. 2002, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2005,

The aim of the Wadden Sea Forum project (WSF) was to develop socio-economic perspectives for the Wadden Sea region. These perspectives were to be compatible with the national and international standards of nature and environmental protection of the Wadden Sea ecosystem and the protection of the landscape and cultural heritage of the Wadden Sea region, as laid down, in particular, in the joint tril ...
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The aim of the project was to establish a BSR-wide wind energy association with a secretariat and national contact points, co operation groups, permanently growing contacts, integration into BSR panels, to start and continue of wind energy internet-platform for information and as a tool for over-regional BSR-wide telematik co operation and for awareness raising, as well as to develop the wind ener ...
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Best Practice in Managing Regional Managements (MAREMA)

Date du début: 31 mars 2003, Date de fin: 29 juin 2005,

The operation "MAREMA: Best Practice in Managing Regional Management" aims to identify good practices in the governance of regional development with the final objective of improving regional organisational structures and processes. In this context, the project focuses on the special needs of three types of regions: 1. Cross-border regions; 2. Regions with dominant restrictions, e.g. large protecte ...
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Wind energy in the BSR - Planning, Construction and Investment (WEBSR )

Date du début: 23 janv. 2003, Date de fin: 22 nov. 2004,

The aim of the project was to establish a BSR-wide wind energy association with a secretariat and national contact points, co operation groups, permanently growing contacts, integration into BSR panels, to start and continue of wind energy internet-platform for information and as a tool for over-regional BSR-wide telematik co operation and for awareness raising, as well as to develop the wind ener ...
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