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15 projets européens trouvés

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Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050 (e-HIGHWAY2050)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

Eight Transmission System Operators (BE, CZ, FR, DE, IT, PT, CH, PL) and ENTSO-E, together with 4 associations of technology manufacturers, and 16 RTD performers propose a 3-year R&D project to develop and to apply a methodology for the long-term development of the Pan-European transmission network. The project aims at delivering a top-down methodology to support the planning from 2020 to 2050. F ...
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I can do it! Support Civil courage within the EVS

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

Grenzenlos – Interkultureller Austausch hosted the training course “Training for Camp Leaders – International Camps from Grenzenlos 2015” (KA1 I can do it! Support Civil courage within the EVS, project number: 15-K16-011) which took place in Vienna, Austria from May 3rd to May 9th, 2015. The main objectives of the project were: • To promote and teach civil courage within EVS projects • To share me ...
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Wipe Autz! Superior

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

Youth Centre Villa Elba is organising together with a a local youth group and with our partner organisations from Austria, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Slovakia, Italy and Turkey to realize a youth exchange. This youth exchange gathers 45 young people and 9 leaders from the participating countries. The youth exchange takes place in Kokkola, Finland from 31.7.-7.8.2015 and it lasts for 8 days (travel ...
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Healthy Lifestyles in Urban Environments: Youth Grooves, Youth Moves!

Date du début: 2 juin 2014, Date de fin: 2 févr. 2015,

An increasing number of young people between 14 and 22, in urban environments, lead an unhealthy lifestyle. The problem is due to their daily activities becoming more and more digitalized and the interactions between peers increasingly virtualized, bringing higher exposure to and influence of advertising and mass media on eating habits and leisure choices. Youth living in an urban setting has litt ...
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Northern lights

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2015,

The aim of the project "Northern Lights" is to gather young people with fewer opportunities to live and work together in a multicultural group for one month. Youth Centre Villa Elba will host 13 volunteers from Portugal, Spain, Austria, and Turkey. The project is ment for the young people with fewer opportunities. Our focus is on young people who are minorities / migrants, unemployed / low salari ...
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Responsible Citizenship - Civic Volunteering

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

Project “Responsible citizenship - TC on Civic Volunteering” is dedicated for youth workers, people who work with young volunteers professionally or voluntarily and people working in NGOs - or want to start such a cooperation like police- or firemen to involve young people in to the civic society through volunteering. Another target group is retired policemen, firemen and people who would like t ...
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...he electricity generation mix in several European countries. Due to the intermittent nature of wind, the large-scale integration of wind power causes several difficulties in the management of a power system. Often, a high level of reserves is allocated to account for wind power variability, thus reducing the benefits from the use of wind energy.Today it is widely recognized by end-users such as Tr ...
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DurDuring this short-term EVS project our partner organisations Fekete Sereg HU, Ayuntamiento de Murcia ES, System and Generation Association TR, Arbeitkammer Tirol AT and Altea France FR will send 2 young volunteers each to work in Kokkola for 4 weeks with different kind of environmental tasks. The volunteering activities will take place in Kokkola, Finland 7.10.-1.11.2013 (4 weeks).The theme of ...
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Gençlik Hareketinde Vizeye Hayir

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

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..." realizing free discussions, debates, team work, demonstrations, exhibitions of realized products, exposures, organizing Roma traditional evening nights out. The four partners, Anthropoesis, S&G System and Generation Association, People to People and Foundation of Aid for Children, propose like CRAFT methods the following: interpersonal and peer to peer communication, expressing ideas regardi ...
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Identify yourself to a new reality

Date du début: 10 mars 2014,

Youth exchange: "Identify yourself to a new reality" will lasting 7 days and taking place in Georgia in Adjara region, is designed and carried out by youth organizations from Program Countries as well as Neighboring Partner Countries, they are: Georgia, Croatia, Romania, Turkey, Italy and Ukraine.Participants of the youth exchange are young people from vulnerable families with fewer (economic, geo ...
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Young people are able to have an input into how their local community and wider society operates. Especially for our target group, namely young people in our communities, volunteering and participation as the keys for empowerment represents a route to employment, enabling them to build up skills and experience. There is a vast array of notions, definitions and traditions concerning participation a ...
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Mission 2011 - Minorities in Action

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

There is no official definition of the concept of “national minority” as each country is left a room to access which groups are considered to be “national minorities” living on its territory. National minorities are a matter of concern of various international organizations and within the Council of Europe, Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities is one of the most comprehen ...
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Youth for Intergenerational Solidarity

Date du début: 1 août 2011,

The seminar will take place from 9th until 14th October 2011 in Rezekne, Latvia. It will be organized by the “World at Our Home” which will host 49 participants from 26 organizations both European and neighbouring countries. Participants will come from Armenia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and La ...
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Moving Generation 6

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009,

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