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I can do it! Support Civil courage within the EVS
Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Grenzenlos – Interkultureller Austausch hosted the training course “Training for Camp Leaders – International Camps from Grenzenlos 2015” (KA1 I can do it! Support Civil courage within the EVS, project number: 15-K16-011) which took place in Vienna, Austria from May 3rd to May 9th, 2015. The main objectives of the project were: • To promote and teach civil courage within EVS projects • To share methods on how to encourage volunteers, mentors and youth workers to stand up for their own beliefs • To sensitize volunteers on situations where civil courage is needed • Train different possibilities on how to re-/act in public life • To give youth organisations methods on how to train civil courage within their international voluntary projects • To sensitize volunteers and mentors towards dangerous situations • To raise participants self confidence and empower them into taking action • To give participants and youth organisations involved in international voluntary projects tools to stand up against racism and inequality “We did different activities that were very nice and effective such as the forum theatre, the debates, reflection time. I will bring with me these new methods, the reflections I did the will do improve myself and to be active.” (Feedback from a participant) Grenzenlos is coordinating international voluntary service projects since several years. Within different contexts our volunteers in Austria and abroad reported us about situations where they wanted to stand up against something or someone but did not have the right methods or where simply too shy to do so. The main objective of this training Camp was to show the participants on how to act in situations where civil courage was and will be needed. The concrete goal was to teach methods on how to act in certain situations, how to handle them peacefully and successfully when it comes to difficult decision making. The EVS volunteers needed to be prepared in case they face those challenges. Within the different methods the participants were able to face their fears and got to know their strengths. The training concentrated on practical issues that participants had, getting specific knowledge about the definition of civil courage by experts and getting to know each other’s challenges and difficulties. One of the central methods was to let them act in example situation in which they had to make decisions on their own believes and afterward evaluated those solutions they found together with the experts. During the intense days, participants got acquainted with the following topics, mainly on non-formal learning methods: terminologies and definitions, partner organizations and their projects, target groups and their needs, group building, intercultural communication, conflict-management and how to deal with situations that require civil courage. The significant outcome of the training was the creation of four different civil courage activities to be held in the home countries of the participants, There where 25 participants from Austria, Belarus, Estonia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Armenia, Greece, Turkey, Belgium, France and Italy supported by the Grenzenlos trainer team.



12 Participants partenaires