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9 projets européens trouvés

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The name of our project is SUSTAINABLE AND ECOLOGICAL LIFE IN EUROPE. The project will be held between 22 - 28 May 2015 in Kayseri. The project is designed to change the spending habits of young people and show them their productive sides. During the training we will teach young people how to use and live with sustainable and renewable resources with non-formal education technique. In the proje ...
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Restaurants, hotels, markets, fisheries and other small to medium size agro-food industries have to manage 239 million tonnes of organic waste in Europe per year. The specific management of such waste, with respect to the legislative regulations of EU, involves costly treatment for SMEs and potential hygiene issues on site. ORION aims at allowing a vast majority of SMEs to manage their organic was ...
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Sustainable Transport and Tourism along the Danube  (TRANSDANUBE)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

... weak accessibility levels and poor quality of transport services in SEE as a major constraint for further economic development and growth in the region. It is the objective of the project to develop Sustainable Mobility along the Danube including environmentally friendly modes of transport in order to improve the accessibility and facilitate the concept of sustainable tourism in the whole Danube ...
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The general project objective is the harmonisation, at the level of the entire cross-border area, of economic, social, environmental and cultural policies, aiming at increasing economic, social and territorial cohesion and economic competitiveness.
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The sector of distribution and logistics of agricultural and food products in the Adriatic area lacks institutional and economic governance such as to make it possible to establish an Adriatic transnational economic cooperation system capable of balancing and harmonizing technical, managerial, financial and innovation service (certification) issues among the two Adriatic coasts (eastern and wester ...
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Sustainable energy for the rural village environment (SERVE)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2007, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2012,

The SERVE project demonstrates sustainable energy use in rural communities. Retrofit work is led by the Local Authority (NTCC) and new build by a not-for-profit co-operative (SPIL). SPIL is selling serviced sites in an Eco-Village to members, who will then build under the control and guidance of SPIL. This 132-home project is already under way. Thus, it will act as a flagship for Concerto from the ...
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...uired on the local and regional level, for both mitigation and adaptation. However, the local and regional level lack support in many respects on how to deal with climate change regarding a long term sustainable development. Moreover, a step beyond has to be taken: chances for the long term development of the economies, environment and social sector responding pro-actively to the climate change ph ...
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Sustainable and Equipped Productive Areas (SEPA)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2011,

SEPA promotes the concept of sustainable production area defined as a Community of manufacturing firms and services that, within a territory and through cooperation, plan to improve their environmental, economic and social performances, acquiring specific organizational tools, management and infrastructure. Its most innovative aspect is to move the focus from the activity of individual public inst ...
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Recognition of needs of target groups is based on long lasting and deeply rooted into practice experience of the project partners and their nets of cooperation. Policy of introduction and support for business and entrepreneurial trainings for starters needs not only time and funds to become praxis but thorough recognition of the levels of knowledge, skills and attitudes. These aspects defined and ...
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