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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

After the enlargement of the European Union there is the potential to develop the Baltic-Adriatic corridor to a knowledge-based economic region in accordance with the Lisbon strategy. The project PROINCOR contributes to this development by addressing enterprises with innovation needs in main manufacturing and industrial service sectors of the involved regions and countries. Its aim is to support t ...
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Central Environmental and Energy Management as a kit for survival (CEEM)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2012,

The regions of central Europe are characterised by a medium-high economic activity mainly performed by micro companies and small and medium sized enterprises, representing mostly traditional industrial sectors (i.e. construction and building, food, manufacturing, automotive). These companies have a strong impact on the environment; thus a key factor for sustainable economic development of this reg ...
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Central Europe Branch Based Innovation Support (CEBBIS)

Date du début: 31 mars 2010, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012,

The project CEBBIS is looking for trans-regional branch based, demand-led methods and solutions to improve technology transfer to SMEs. The partbnership joints its forces in order to provides tools, methods and proceedings for professionalising intermediary innovation and technology transfer supporting staff, related to ICT-driven innovation for knowledge-intensive core industries. Offering indust ...
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