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The WaMPPP project wishes to address the slow progress in environment protection (Chapter 27), especially in the field of waste management. Serbia still produces excessive amounts of all kind of waste (mostly dumped in landfills) and manages hazardous waste by inappropriate means. Insufficient efforts have been made to tackle the problem, possibly hindering the Serbian accession to the EU. Low app ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

As an ECHE awarded institution from a Programme country, UKLO applied for a mobility project within KA 1 – Mobility of individuals, Higher Education and obtained a total of 250 months for student mobility for studies and 55 days for staff mobility for teaching, and signed the grant agreement with the Macedonian National Agency, with an objective of providing conditions for successful realization o ...
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Cross Border Art of Gardening by the Black Sea

Date du début: 12 juil. 2013, Date de fin: 11 janv. 2015,

To contribute to sustainable economic development of the border area of Techirghiol-Balchik and strengthening Romanian and Bulgarian tourism season by extending the tourist season activities based on natural tourist attractions and cultural diversification.
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COmparative POlice Studies In The Eu (COMPOSITE)

Date du début: 1 août 2010, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2014,

"Police forces in the EU face serious challenges. Integration in the EU has increased the need for cross force collaboration. Technology has created new capabilities for criminals but also possibilities for the police. Changes in the public opinion and in political expectations have created extra challenges. Responses to these challenges and exploitation of opportunities require major changes to t ...
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RENAISSANCE aims to develop a valid, reliable and integrated package of access and mobility measures for historic cities. These will make possible the rediscovery, preservation and enhancement of historic cities in Europe, together with the sustainable development of the local economy, to the benefit of visitors, residents and local business alike. RENAISSANCE brings together a group of historic/t ...
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Effective flood protection can be achieved only through the formulation of a trans-boundary cooperation strategy for flood risk management. The significance of the strategy will grow in future due to the emerging climate changes and their harmful consequences. The first step in flood-risk mitigation is the integration (trans-boundary, horizontal and vertical) of the efforts of all interested parti ...
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National Contact Points (NCPs) play a crucial role in the Framework Programme as providers of information and assistance to potential participants (applicants) of new projects and contractors in on-going projects. They reach out to the European research community in order to inform and raise awareness about the funding opportunities of the Framework Programme, to advise and assist potential applic ...
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Research Visibility 2011 - Macedonia (revis2011)

Date du début: 1 juin 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

Researchers Night as event in 2011 is organized in the RM for the fourth time. The previous events were highly public appreciated and particular by the young people. These manifestations were the first directly public contacts between the researches and citizens about the role and a wide range of activities of researchers and science as whole for creation of national wealth and popularization of a ...
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Research Visibility 2010 - Macedonia (REVIS 2010)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2010,

"Researchers’ Night as event in 2010 is organised in the Republic of Macedonia for third time. The main objective of this year’s project consists of enhancing researchers' public recognition through increased visibility. Therefore, a varied programme of activities will take place in not less than 10 Macedonian cities, i.e. Skopje, Bitola, Tetovo, Stip, Ohrid, Kicevo, Gostivar, Veles, Prilep, and S ...
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The project will develop a continuous training programme for VET teachers and trainers in food industry comprising e-reference tools based on modular principle with flexible content and transnational nature. The needs for understanding, development and implementation of the integrated European approach towards food industry growth create strong demands on better and adequate qualification of speci ...
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Most of the water in agriculture in the cross-border region is wasted due to low irrigation efficiency, bad irrigation scheduling and other reasons. The main objective of the project is to develop a cross- border interactive farmers support system to help farmers improve their water use efficiency, as well as their yields and economical benefits. More specifically, the project will result in: 1. D ...
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Project develops practical methodologies, approaches and tools for teaching enhanced ICT-skills; information search, gathering, evaluation, presentation, problem solving, team working, project working. Aims of the project are: (1) To define the enhanced ICT-skills and to study of the most active learning methods that can be applied for acquisition of enhanced ITC-skills. (2) To develop a methodolo ...
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The project is aimed at disabled people with the scope of stimulating their access to further education (university studies included) and to professional training in social work . The project is addressed to trainers of the relevant sector, as well as to employer having disabled persons as employees. With the explicit goal of favouring the counselling of the latter in order to have more adequate c ...
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European and national VET policies encourage participation by disabled people in mainstream VET with the intention of opening opportunities for, and increasing the social integration of, disabled people. The Qtrain project will facilitate the delivery of a high quality service for disabled people in mainstream VET and enable their needs to be incorporated at all stages of the QU process. The proje ...
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A shot in the arm for the health sector : The METE project aims to analyse and evaluate medical and paramedical training within the EU. The project intends to then propose a methodology for continuous training for adoption by the partner countries, aiming to ensure an equally high level of treatment for all patients. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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A network consiting of European institutes for further training, media companies, associations and social partners developed a concept for a tri-medial further training that applies to the qualification demand of multi-media works and that shall supplies journalists with an essetial basis in order to find a job in th European and national employment market. The project improves the local journalis ...
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The expectations towards an academization of educational support are connected to an expansion of the aspiration for qualification of pedagogical professionals in the field of social work. In view of this fact, the traditional training at schools of professional and higher education needs to be updated with new curricular contents and professional profiles to match the new demands of this field of ...
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IS IT GREEN project (Integrated Systems for Information Technologies more GREEN) addressed the ability of European SMEs to improve their energy end-use efficiency so that they can contribute to the European (Kyoto) targets for CO2 emission reduction, saving money and being more competitive in the world economy.The main objective of IS IT GREEN project was to improve the capacity of IT/IS experts a ...
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This project aims to build on the experience gained through past Tempus programme projects and utilising a well balanced consortia, to develop structured doctoral level programmes for the Western Balkans. These courses will be based on the principles of the Bologna third cycle and the project also aims to coordinate developments across the Western Balkans. The specific objectives are: "To develop ...
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The project “Implementation of ECVET for qualification design in sanitation and water loss management (EC-AQUA)” is executed within the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci, measure Transfer of Innovation.EC-AQUA approach is developed by a consortium of partners from four countries: NIS-SU (Bulgaria), Intellect Foundation (Bulgaria), South East Europe Media Organization/SEEMO (Austria), P ...
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The main objectives of "Fasten Seat Belts to the World 2" (FSB2) are to promote thelearning of languages, raise awareness and respect of cultural diversity, open up thedialogue between Europeans and Asians. One of the objective is to do that whiletravelling -"on board"- and thus to enhance travellers' trips to foreign countries. FSB2will produce a language audio programme in 6 most widely spoken A ...
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The objective of this 3-year SM project is to design and implement a model of National Qualifications Framework for the higher education, through accepted set of levels, in line with the political development priorities of Macedonia. In this developed model all learning achievements (learning outcomes, skills, competences) may be measured and related to each other in a coherent way that defines th ...
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The project identifies the weak link between the educational system and legal system for protecting Intellectual Property in the Partner countries. The provision of specialist university courses in Intellectual Property Law is inadequate to train and update professionals working in the sector. The project will develop a Masters programme in Intellectual Property Law adapted to the needs of South ...
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To upgrade education of surgeon to micro- medical and endoscopics technics to face & noze surgery The specific objectives are: "1. Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) framework for Serbian universities adopted at the national level2. IQA Centers (IQAC) established and adequately equipped at each partner country university3. Information system for support of IQ evaluations and data analyses establishe ...
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The Project VICES main aims are to establish video conferencing services as a part of Distance Learning (DL) system among Universities in R. Macedonia at the already existing IP based communication infrastructure in MARNET (Macedonian Academic and Research Network) and To build up the capacity of MARNET for international cooperation and for a permanent modernization process, by assisting in openin ...
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The project aims to develop the capacity of partner country universities to serve the needs of society at large (both state institutions and private sector) by strengthening their links with the labour market and offering programmes promoting entrepreneurship and to develop an academic programme in Entrepreneurship and LED jointly taught by universities in each partner country. The specific object ...
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...with expertise in games development andgames-based learning, language pedagogic expertise, University teacher trainers, anexpert in Alternate Reality Games (ARG) and an Internet communication specialist. Ourresearch indicates that this project will be the 1st globally to apply an ARG at secondaryschool level; to create an ARG that embeds multilingualism within its core framework; touse the techniq ...
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The project “Structuring of work related competences in chemical engineering - STRENGTH” refers to LLP Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation, and complies with objective 2; operational objective 4; LdV EU priority LEO-TraInno-7. The rationale for the project is grounded on the urgent need for establishing of common innovative models and initiatives for VET to enhance qualification transparency ...
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"Face à la carence en travailleurs sociaux qualifiés et pour combler, à très court terme, les besoins en ressources humaines résultant des nouvelles politiques sociales mises en place dans chacune des 4 régions (Sverdlovsk (RU), Abakan (RU), Moldavie (MD), Kazakhstan (KZ)). Le projet contribuera à la réforme de l'enseignement supérieur, dans une discipline ""le travail social"", qui est une priori ...
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The objectives of the project are the following:1. Cooperation of educational institutes for the development of common curricula for professionals and unemployed.2. Development of lifelong learning programs.3. Promotion of new management skills to increase the competitiveness of companies in the agro tourism sector.4. Facilitation of access to education for companies established in both countries. ...
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Kindergartens are often too expensive or not easily accessible for children of families in remote rural areas with low socioeconomic background; subsequently they mainly stay at home without any exposure to early stimulation and education. Hence, The Early Childhood Centers aim at reaching out for disadvantaged rural communities, where children have very limited access to formal kindergartens, and ...
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Date du début: 30 nov. 2010,

By exposing Scientists, Engineers and those working and studying in technology related disciplines to training and work practices in other countries, the project has an overarching aim to develop the entrepreneurial and business skills capacities within these disciplines. Furthermore, the project will equip early career researchers with specialist knowledge in the area of entrepreneurship and prov ...
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One of the priorities of the Copenhagen Declaration is to develop common instruments for Quality Assurance in VET. Further on, the objectives and actions of the Copenhagen process have been further supported by the European network for quality assurance in VET (EQAVET).In this context, there have been different projects and activities put in place in order to develop national Quality Assurance Fra ...
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The European Training "Democracy - a way to achieve Sustainable Development" will take place from 08th - 19th July 2011 in Ia?i, Romania. Participants will be 25 young people from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Romania, Turkey, and Ukraine.The European training Democracy - a way to achieve Sustainable Development approaches the themes of democracy, ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2010,

The European Training Millennium Development Leaders will take place from 25th of September - 04th of October 2010 in Iasi, Romania. Kasta Morrely project, Millennium Development Leaders, aims to train specialists in public activities and promoting the image from as many countries of Europe using the experience and qualifications of Kasta Morrely specialists in the field of training. This will be ...
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In the last 10 years, social media through the internet has grown from a minor tool of interpersonal communication to one of the leading players in mass communication. Advertising in social networks like MSN, Facebook, Hyves etc., has become very effective because of the possibility to precisely measure and reach the necessary audience. Social media is perfect for low-cost marketing! We want to im ...
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Aim of this 7 day training course is to develop skills of youth group leaders and peer leaders for improving European citizenship education in youthwork as well as to explore and understand experiential learning and outdoor education methodology as an approach for youth citizenship education. The training course will take place in Russia with 23 participants from 10 different countries.
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