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Improving access for disabled people to professional training in social work and social care, through preparation, blended learning and mentoring support

The project is aimed at disabled people with the scope of stimulating their access to further education (university studies included) and to professional training in social work . The project is addressed to trainers of the relevant sector, as well as to employer having disabled persons as employees. With the explicit goal of favouring the counselling of the latter in order to have more adequate curricula of studies in VET and more suitable- for disabled- working contexts in firms. A strong emphasis is given to mentoring, considered as fundamental for the target group in studies as well as in training. The mentoring through e.learning, implemented in one previous EU funded project, will be incorporated in the approach of the current proposal as a component of the envisaged blended learning. In the planned pilot training mentoring will be conducted by disabled individuals who succeeded in their career, as well as by unemployed disabled. The project has the general objective of stimulating the access of disabled people to further education (university studies included) as well as to professional training in social work.. Social work and care being largely devoted to disadvantaged persons, a growing enrolment of disabled professionals should be suitable in order to make the context more adapt and more friendly. Activities: (1) an initial recognition of the needs for updating the outcomes of previous project,(2) the pilot training ,(3) the implementation of the on line training programme and the valorisation campaign. The Report on the initial recognition of the needs, the progress documentation of pilot training , the implementation of the web site with the on line part of the training programme and the printed and CD materials prepared for the valorisation campaign are the main results and products. The envisaged training programme could have a portability in Countries different from those of the partnership



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