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3 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens



Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Reading is a starting step of many things, which build a more solid stairs for pupils to climb up achieving something big out there. Children must have a solid foundation in reading skills at an early age in order to read more complex books later and be proficient in their understanding of them. Reading is essential in any school subject, as textbooks and other written media are used to convey the ...
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The project „Modern education - the way of strengthening key competence in the teaching of disabled students” comes out of the needs underlined in the long term strategy of the school development. One of our goals is to bring a new dimension and innovative solutions from an international perspective to the field of working with intelectually disabled clients and so enhancing the base of our exis ...
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ERASMUS MINUS BULLYING. Practices in Prevention and Intervention in European Schools (EMB for short) Context/background Bullying as a phenomenon has always been present at our schools and we observe with sadness that in some communities bullying is regarded as a natural art of school routine, passed down from generation to generation. In recent years teachers from all across Europe have witnessed ...
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