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19 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Unemployment, especially long – term unemployment, is one of the main reasons for social exclusion. A lot of long – term unemployed people is formed by women without proper education, living in the countryside. We have almost the same problem in Slovenia, Hungary and Italy. Utilization of farming as a tool for work training and social inclusion of disadvantaged people has increased recently in man ...
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WASTECOSMART - Optimisation of Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategies for the Maximisation of Resource Efficiency addresses the priority areas of a “Resource Efficient Europe” and relates to the EcoAP, by boosting innovation based on research and technology development within the field of integrated waste management. Through cross border cooperation and collaborative research activities betw ...
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In Hungary the partnership of 18 institutions (one organisation managing and coordinating EU and educational and training grants, 14 top universities, two research institutes, one Observatory and numerous additional HEIs, science museums, research institutes and research groups joining the consortium as indirect partners) will organise RN 2013 with the aim of enhancing the public recognition of re ...
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A Hungarian Night for Researchers 2011- Hungary-EU Research Careers (HEURECA 2012)

Date du début: 1 juin 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2012,

"The protagonists of the 2012 RN will be researchers and the focus of the event will be on their public recognition. We will make a special effort to provide opportunities for both the public and the researchers to learn and think outside the box and present the truth that are behind stereotypes.Researchers will be at the center of all the individual programmes and of the awareness raising activit ...
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Regional pilot platform as EU contribution to a Global Soil Observing System (e-SOTER)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2012,

Soil and land information is needed for a wide range of applications but available data are often inaccessible, incomplete, or out of date. GEOSS plans a global Earth Observation System and, within this framework, the e-SOTER project addresses the felt need for a global soil and terrain database. As the European contribution to a Global Soil Observing System, it will deliver a web-based regional p ...
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A Hungarian Night for Researchers 2011- Hungary-EU Research Careers (HEURECA)

Date du début: 1 juin 2011, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

"We will focus on enhancing researchers’ public recognition. Researchers, presented as persons that everyday people can relate to, can draw attention to science; and can make science seen as a casual but interesting adventure. Better understanding science can also lead to improving researchers’ recognition. Thus, the main message of the event will emphasize the human, accessible yet important figu ...
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A Hungarian Night for Researchers - Hungary-EU Research Careers (HEURECA)

Date du début: 1 juin 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2010,

"The 2010 HEURECA Researchers' night will build upon the experience the consortium gained in organizing the event in the previous years. It will actually consist of a further expanded version of the previous events.Partnership will be enlarged by 3 new cooperating bodies joining the 18 experienced partners, and possibly by several non profit organisations and companies having already expressed the ...
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The condition of the soil in both countries of the border region declined in the past 20 years due to many factors. The general objective of the project is to protect the quality of the underground and the above-the-ground water and drinking water. Specific objective is to enhance the quality of the soil in the border region, through offering environmental friendly technologies for fanners and pr ...
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Former researches have presented the disadvantageous situation of the pedagogues and of the educational institutions in the Hungarian-Romanian border regions, as a result of the lower social and economic development of these areas. Among the characteristics of this region are: high level of unemployment, presence of ethnical minorities with notably different social and cultural background, low int ...
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A Hungarian Night for Researchers 2008 (HUNICITIES 2008)

Date du début: 1 juin 2008, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2008,

... and research community - University of Technology and Economics; Corvinus University of Budapest; Eszterházy Károly University; Eötvös Loránd University; Pázmány Péter Catholic University; Szent István University; Széchenyi István University; University of Debrecen; University of Miskolc; University of Pécs; University of Szeged; University of West Hungary, and the Agricultural Research Institut ...
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...niversity of Life Sciences (CZ), Hohenheim University (DE), University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (AT), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SK), University of Granada (ES), Szent Istvan University (HU), Politechnico di Torino (I), SupAgro (FR), Georg-August Universitat Gottingen (D), University Ljubliana (SI), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University (ES) and Adam Mickiewic ...
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SWFM-QF aims at developing a European qualification and training framework to address the needs of Facilities Managers in the waste management industry and in line with the EU 2020 Flagship Agenda for New Skills and Jobs.The core demand for this action stems from the fact that the “new generation” of waste management facilities are becoming highly technical worksites therefore affecting the struct ...
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ENHSA III Thematic Network is an extended consortium of schools of architecture, academic associations, professional bodies and cultural foundations, which collaborate in order to contribute to the foundation and development of the European Higher Architectural Education Area. More specifically, the consortium will work towards the direction of the implementation of a competences-based architectur ...
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The project aims to provide training, leading to a qualification, to meet the need for professionalisation of people who work in environmental tourism (ecotourism), agro-tourism and biodiversity management in rural areas. The first project stage will be to conduct a strategic analysis of training needs; training modules, both initial and continuous, will then be designed and tested before dissemin ...
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The project main sector of interest is the training and certification of agricultural advisors concerned with different economical and national contexts in Europe; the partner countries show specific conditions deriving from political, social and economical transformations in the last decades of past century: agricultural consultancy has therefore evolved differently. Emblematic examples are the c ...
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The project aims at identifying the intercultural competence areas of those vocational teachers who are responsible for the international activities of their respective vocational institutes; designing criteria and tools for assessing such intercultural competence; and developing/transferring it into the profile of an "International Operation Agent" by designing and piloting a relevant internet ba ...
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With increasing public interest in the origin, production and quality of food for human consumption, this project addresses quality assurance in animal welfare and related food production/consumption and traces the food chain from the farm to the consumer. The project will develop new internet-based student courses on three core themes, namely, animal welfare, environmental impact of and on animal ...
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The main objectives of this Thematic Network is to initiate and contribute to the structural development and the assurance of the quality assessment of the emerging discipline of Biosystems (or equivalent Agricultural and Biological) Engineering in Europe. The need for such development was established by the USAEE Thematic Network, which was concluded with the end of its dissemination year (30.09. ...
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The aim of the project is to integrate practical and theoretical knowledge of veterinary medicine in order to raise the motivation of students and their insight in the complexity of veterinary sciences as well as to improve their cognitive skills. 30 interdisciplinary Virtual Patients (VPs) will be devised and prepared with the use of the casus programme. They will be evaluated with regard to thei ...
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