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12 projets européens trouvés

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Feel the freedom of the water

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

So, forget the restrictions of land and leave your disability behind and feel the freedom of the water. With expert support, specialist assistive equipment and guidance from our fully qualified instructors you can take to the water and learn to kayak, canoe, wakeboard, SUP, you can perform recreational games by the water and you can train on outdoor fitness near the water, whatever your disabilit ...
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Valuer Access to Recognised Vocational Education and Training

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The purpose of this project is to invest resources in the development of a new Europe wide foundation vocational training and qualifications network based on IRRV's vocational training framework for real estate valuation training in UK. IRRV is an accrediting awarding body for vocational qualifications in the UK by the main government sponsored national accreditation body, which means that its e ...
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“IGEA – Internship in Green Economy Abroad"

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

IGEA was the goddess of health and cleanliness in ancient Greece, where the relationship between man and nature ranged from those who theorized the supremacy of the first on the second, like Aristotle, and those who, like Pythagoras later, pushed for an approach with empirical spirit so to understand the ecological mechanisms that act within an ecosystem, and precisely the links between human heal ...
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Learning to Learn

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

The aim of learning to learn: to enable the person to know himself and his skills, learn his perception features, know the learning principles, know why, from where, how they will get the information, to use his emotions and senses in learning. Learning style depends on the person. Everyone’s learning style, way, speed and capacity is different. If learning possibilities are provided we can see th ...
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From forming till perfoming in international environment

Date du début: 1 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017,

Many good business ideas haven't developed into real business because there was lack of an effective team. The survey results of need analysis in the labour market made by University foundation Campus Europae this year showed that most of the employers as one of the most desirable skills what they expect from they employees are Interpersonal skills like work in teams, problem solving etc. Furtherm ...
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Towards an effective multicultural team

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

Nowadays we have to be more tolerant towards diversity to work more effective together, to reach our goals, to understand each other’s values, to live in peace. Young people are one of the most sensitive part of our society, right after children. Youth might be both – very radical or very open to new cultures, friendly, cooperative and creative. It depends on the way how we treat the youth and how ...
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Моето Бъдеще

Date du début: 2 mai 2016, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2016,

The "My Future" is the exchange program Erasmus +. The priorities of the organizations involved in the project-related work for the wellbeing of youth in participating countries. These are Bulgaria, Turkey, Lithuania, Macedonia, Sweden and Estonia. The project is aimed at raising the awareness of young people about youth unemployment and ways to tackle the problem and promote youth activity and oc ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2016,

Six secondary schools located all over Europe coordinated by the Italian partner, sharing the same environmental issues, have decided to apply for the Erasmus+ project “European School Partnership for Sustainability”. Each partner school will directly involve more than 50 students, aged 17/18 years, with the aim to develop in them an environmental conscience and, as a result in the future, to ach ...
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The project will build upon the experience of local taxation in two established EU countries to provide a forum for exploring ways of raising local taxes in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Existing means of local taxation in CEE will be critiqued and recommendations will be made with regard to potential future local taxation regimes. Ultimately, the project hopes to provide a platform for a new ...
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The project is based on two previous project’s results in the field of training disabled persons. For disabled persons getting a job and especially keeping it is a major challenge. This project will develop and test a model for training mentors who can assist companies in employing disabled persons and assist in keeping up the employment situation. The primary target groups of the project are comp ...
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INNO-AT project will support improvements in accounting and financial reporting skills within SMEs, in order to provide useful financial information to a wide range of users and reinforce that accounting as a management tool, fosters the evolution of small and medium-sized businesses.The project utilises national GAAP, IAS/IFRS and IFAC to develop resources for training and assessment relevant to ...
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The lynx vulnerability present a solid basis for establishing the cross-border cooperation in nature conservation. With the DinaRis project the awarness was raised on its biological and social aspects, new tools for joint monitoring of lynx population were developed and partnerships were established at the highest scientific and management level. All the above resulted in the drafting of a proposa ...
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