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7 projets européens trouvés

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Digital Skills for You(th)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

The internet and social media play a continuously growing role in the lives of young people: they are using it extensively and are prone to immediately take up new digital media appliances and devices. Young people from socially or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to receive the guidance necessary to fully develop their digital media skills in their families. Likewise, it ca ...
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Connect Seniors to the Digital World

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

BackgroundAccessing the internet and benefitting from its opportunities for information research, e-commerce, communication and participation became self-evident for most people in the last decade. The internet has transformed almost every aspect of private, public and professional live. People are finding jobs, organising daily life, communicating with relatives and friends or are searching for i ...
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“Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education”

Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2016,

Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education (Online4EDU) project addresses the education and labor market needs of teachers in primary and secondary schools, VET specialists and e-Facilitators working at telecentres, libraries and adult education centers. The project will design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, training materials, blended learning environment ...
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As we move inextricably into a digital economy there is a looming crisis for a growing number of increasingly marginalized individuals. The accessibility technologies we have are meeting the needs of only some, at high cost, and will not work with many new technologies. The path and pace of technological change predestines these approaches to fail in the very near future. At the same time the inci ...
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Thematic Network ICT for social integration and cultural diversity (Bridge IT)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 31 mars 2011,

Description Thematic Network ICT for social integration and cultural diversityIncreasing migrations into the EU raise the question of the potential of Iinformation and Communication Technologies (ICT) for promoting the integration of immigrants and cultural diversity in Europe. As pioneer initiatives in this field have already taken place ...
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The key ambition of the project was an innovation transfer of a curriculum for e-facilitators. An already existing, but “de-contextualized” curriculum was translated and adapted according to the needs in the three transfer receiving countries Germany, Latvia and Portugal. "Transfer" in this case meant that an already existing curriculum (focusing on teaching, networking, management competences and ...
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The online world penetrates more and more the daily life of European citizens and therefore Digital Competence or Digital Literacy has become one of the key competences to ensure social cohesion, active citizenship and personal fulfilment. Citizens who do not have access and skills needed to use the internet are disadvantaged in many ways. Since educational disadvantage is closely linked to social ...
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