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“Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education”
Date du début: 1 oct. 2014, Date de fin: 1 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Introducing Online collaboration methods and tools in education (Online4EDU) project addresses the education and labor market needs of teachers in primary and secondary schools, VET specialists and e-Facilitators working at telecentres, libraries and adult education centers. The project will design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, training materials, blended learning environment, and Pan–European certification system „Online collaboration methods and tools”. There are 2 kind of results expected within the Project: Intellectual and dissemination outputs. The main intellectual outputs are related to the „Online collaboration Tolls and methods „ training and testing system and they will include: Beneficiaries’ skills gap and training needs analysis study Curriculum development and localization Online learning environment Courseware for e-course and automated testing Pan-European certification system and tools Methodological guidelines for implementation of “Online collaboration methods and tools „training and testing system The dissemination outputs will include following results: 1. Online entry point to all project resources and products- website and digital social media 2. Five multiplier events in partners’ countries: Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Latvia and Lithuania. 3. Dissemination and exploitation plan and report. 4. National strategies for social and formal recognition of the „Online collaboration methods and tools „program in partners countries ( There are 2 level of beneficiaries which will be impacted by the project: The primary target group includes : 1) Teachers in primary and secondary schools 2) VET specialists 3) E-facilitators working at telecentres, libraries, adult education centres etc. This target group will benefit from the project by participating in training and certification, which will improve their knowledge and competencies in labor market. The secondary target group are organizations responsible for teachers skills upgrade and raising of qualification,: schools, adult education centres, state education agencies and offices, Ministries of education. Another secondary target group who will benefit from project outputs are students- both from formal education system and adult education centers. The partnership is composed by 5 members; all active in the fields of ICT related training and program development, adult education and ICT skills certification. Partner 1- LIKTA –Latvian Information and Communication Association (the applicant) - has a wide experience in designing ICT based training programs for adult learners: starting from ICT specialists, to SMEs managers and employees, Young adults, job seekers, as well as teachers and facilitators. Many ICT training programs designed by LIKTA are officially accepted by the State Employment Agency in Latvia. LIKTA is the official partner of ECDL in Latvia. Partner 2 – ECDL Foundation- is a not-for-profit organization established by the informatics societies of Europe through CEPIS. It promotes digital literacy through strategic partnerships with governments, European Institutions and International NGOs, to deliver its certification programmes to individuals and organizations. Partner 3 - Public institution Information Technologies Institute- has strong experience in IT training/testing courseware design and development. ITI is involved in development of Learning/Testing solutions for ECDL, e-Citizen, CAD, security and children safety subjects in Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Kyrgyz, Azeri and English languages and will bring this expertise to consortium to achieve Project goals. Partner 4 - BCS Koolitus - is ICT training and consulting company established in 1993 in Estonia, offering a full training process, from assessment of needs, till measuring the training results. BCS has been the awarding body of the professional qualifications in the field of IT since 2010. Partner 5 - SDC (Digital Opportunities Foundation)- is a non-profit organisation established in Berlin, Germany. Within many European projects SDC gathered experience in developing curricula and training materials.


4 Participants partenaires