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7 projets européens trouvés

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...twork platform by which to transfer good practicefrom one environment to another, enable expert dialogue on a pan-European level,create the structures identified for informed development of teachers, schools, andeducational administration at local, regional/national, and European levels, and launch aself-sufficient post-funding business plan.Operating through the platform are 4 inter-linked Themat ...
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...the quality ofeducational practices and material in line with the challenges of sustainabledevelopment (SD). The overall objective is to promote education for sustainabledevelopment (ESD) in European schools. The project will bring concepts and issues ofSD into the education system by linking schools, research institutions and communitiesin a web-based network. Learning opportunities will be provi ...
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The INTER Network aims to improve quality of education and contribute to innovation inschools by assisting them in the adoption / implementation of an intercultural approach,fostering the reflection on cultural diversity and providing a scenario in which tocooperate, exchange and elaborate practical tools for initial and in-service teachertraining. Teachers can make a difference in schools by tran ...
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EINET will establish itself as a multi-level network to encourage entrepreneurship and innovative training amongst young European citizens. Partners representing 17 countries will be established at 4 levels (local, regional, national & transnational) comprising core players, permanent relay points and occasional correspondents.Primary activities of the network will include the creation of a 'Virtu ...
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The project sets out to reduce dropout rates in schools and colleges through improving the guidance offered to students and through creating a more attractive learning environment. The project attempts to bring together aspects of education and VET with the social work goals aimed at student welfare and further intends to integrate the existing knowledge and expertise from a range of institutions ...
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The project seeks to create a new vision for Pedagogical higher education in three Balkan countries in line with the Bologna Process. The project has been designed to support policy-making on teacher training and development at the national level in all three Partner countries as part of the pre-accession process. It seeks to establish a new status for teachers through the development of professi ...
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...ation partners, the consortium includes a number of large professional organisations for teachers and engineers that have been active in the public debate on science education. Upper secondary schools in established partnerships with the teacher training organizations and universities behind the project propsal participate as testing schools for the developed products.The tangible results of the M ...
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