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8 projets européens trouvés

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Tourism is seen as a main income source in many rural areas with strategies stressing new sustainable, high quality market orientated products linked locally, regionally & internationally. Few SMEs can provide all that is demanded in the markets thus necessitating cooperation & joint marketing with other SMEs & actors in their area. However, tourism development initiatives mostly target SMEs, lead ...
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Ladoga Initiative

Date du début: 29 mars 2011, Date de fin: 28 mars 2013,

The first specific objective is the supporting of local bottom-up initiatives in order to strengthen sustainable rural economic development. This objective will be achieved through knowledge transfer and networking among partners from both sides of the border; through promotion of cooperation between various parties at local level, through the establishment and development of partnership relations ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

...Plans.At the first MAG-meeting the stock of good practices, base line studies and SWOT-analysis was discussed. The 20-23th of June 2010 , an Interregional training for process coaches was planned by Ruralia Institute, Finland, responsible for C3, and arranged by the University of Évora, Portugal. The participants consisted of partners and MAG-members who learnt about group processes and interactio ...
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The aim of the project is to create a new interdisciplinary European Masters programme, intending to make a direct contribution to sustainable rural development, by establishing explicitly the profession of rural animator and by offering the necessary education and competence building as well as the appropriate qualification to consolidate this profession. The end product will be a complete progr ...
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VET has a unique position between more theoretical higher education and practice. It is typically an operator, who could have the skills both to understand the research information and implement it to the practice. Especially in rural areas the VET’s role has also changed from the traditional educator to important regional expert organization and developer. VET is an important link to the experti ...
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Title: Creating a platform for communication between science and practice in organic food system.Introduction: Organic agriculture is a system of farm management based on natural substances and processes and, therefore, contributing to environment protection, animal welfare and rural development. Since 1990 the market for organic products has been growing rapidly. Increasing demand for organic foo ...
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Increasing cooperation between enterprises and VET is highlighted in various EU and national policies. The most of the VET organisations are involved in this cooperation, however, they have focused mostly on operating with larger companies. Small and micro enterprises are not properly involved in this cooperation nor benefiting from it, even though approx. 91% of companies in EU can be classified ...
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The project addresses the issue of enhancing lifelong learning opportunities in ruralareas using ICT. Previous research ( identifiedimportant constraints preventing the rural workforce from taking advantage of ICTenabledlearning, mostly related to lack of infrastructure and low personal motivation,and it marked differences between countries, signifying that both nati ...
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