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5 projets européens trouvés

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VET constitutes a major expenditure for governments. Hence, effective performance measurement is crucial to ensure the funds are used efficiently and effectively. This is important also to demonstrate public accountability and continuous improvement opportunities. Very limited performance measures where the inspectors focus mainly on financial and budget processes have been used in state schools a ...
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Main outcomes of the project are further training modules in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy applications.Mainly targeting technical teachers, training modules also aims large mass of professionals from electricity, installation and construction sector.The definition of “EP” is at the basis of the sustainable energy policy of the buildings, and it’s simply the total primary a ...
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Information Communications Technology (ICT) and media competence are one of the underlying skills for the citizens taking part in social communication in the European information society. There is a Europe-wide pressing demand for specialists to pass on these skills. However, no European further-education-project with freely available teaching and studying materials, that would be used in special ...
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Today, one of the biggest problems of the world is gradually increasing energy needs. To achieve energy, countries are sacrificing their own resources and resorting to any precaution. For this purpose, as one of the strategic objectives of the European Commission 2020 “Providing 20% energy efficiency, compared to 2000” is chosen as one of priority target. According to the OECD report, the world's ...
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Data show that people with lower level of key competences have up to 1,8 times more probability to be unemployed than those with higher levels. Hence, these unskilled adults lack the necessary "skills" to carry on with higher level of training.This is the problem that we dealt with: the EU construction industry is a common destination of people from school failure, whose low knowledge base (arithm ...
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