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6 projets européens trouvés

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Mediterranean Building Rethinking for Energy Efficiency Improvement (MARIE) (MARIE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

MARIE aims to establish the socio-economic conditions for Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement in the MED. Building Stock in the framework of EU policy objectives, overcoming barriers and creating sustainable development opportunities in the MED region. Pil Achievements: ...
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 TERMINÉ and cross-border projects. Achievements: Achievements so far The Regional Framework Operation 'Change on Borders' has been formally approved by the INTERREG IIIC Steering Committee in September 2003. It brings together 25 regional authorities from 15 countries all ov ...
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Date du début: 31 mars 2003, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2007,

...tlas, a resource tool on the METREX website to promote networking between metropolitan areas. Improvement of practice was identified in the need for better relationships between planning at national, regional, sub-regional and municipal levels, and greater coherence between administrative boundaries and functional urban regions and areas; better integration of forecasts, projections, scenarios and ...
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The project aims to form a locally-focused vision of polycentric development in the Atlantic Area. The polycentric model finds its justification in the framework of a strategy to control the disparities in development between industrial ports and inland areas, the latter being characterized by farming. The project deals with the following problem areas: - Regions and the dynamics of relationships ...
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Objectives of the project: Further education concept fort the "EU-Wine-Liner" - incl. Good Practice Examples within the Wine Sector of the partner countries; Development of a Certification concept with Quality Standards; Target group: Employees of different qualification and employment status: small and medium-sized wine growers, Hobby winegrowers, part-time employees and distributors. Secondary ...
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Objectives of the project: Further education concept fort the "EU-Wine-Liner" - incl. Good Practice Examples within the Wine Sector of the partner countries; Development of a Certification concept with Quality Standards; Target group: Employees of different qualification and employment status: small and medium-sized wine growers, Hobby winegrowers, part-time employees and distributors. Secondary ...
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