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2 projets européens trouvés

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Alpine Forest FIre waRning System (ALP FFIRS)

Date du début: 31 août 2009, Date de fin: 30 août 2012,

The project aims to improve forest fire prevention in the AS with the creation of a shared warning system based on weather condition affecting fire potential. Main goal is the development of a decision support tool for actors involved in forest fire prevention and suppression, consisting in a daily fire danger level assessment and forecast to identify critical periods in advance of their potential ...
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...forest growth and land use changes (WP4), hazards & stressors (WP5), best practices to face extreme events (WP6) protection forests (WP7); b) identify hot spots with concrete need for action on the regional & local level; c) develop management strategies able to adapt to changing environmental conditions (WP 8); d) contribute to the implementation of suggested adapted management strategies in coop ...
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