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13 projets européens trouvés

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Targeted disease prophylaxis in European fish farming (TargetFish)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

European aquaculture production provides direct employment to 65.000 people with a turnover of 3 billion €. However, the lack of authorised veterinary medicinal products and the consequent disease outbreaks in farmed fish species costs the sector 20% of the production value. The most appropriate method for disease control, both on economical and ethical grounds, is disease prevention by vaccinatio ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

In the years until 2020, the EU youth generation will diminish from 90 to 81 million. This will have a profound impact on education, the economy and society in the future. Technological changes will be even more pervasive and global competition will increase, not least the competition for talented people. Thus, there is an urgent need to strengthen policies to make EU ready for this competition an ...
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"The main objective of the BACCHUS project is to develop tools and resources that will facilitate the generation of robust and exploitable scientific evidence that can be used to support claims of a cause and effect relationship between consumption of bioactive peptides and polyphenols, and beneficial physiological effects related to cardiovascular health in humans. To achieve this, the BACCHUS c ...
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"Ultra Light Vehicles (ULV) intrinsically have a better efficiency due to their improved transport capability per vehicle mass. Additionally improved driving dynamics performance can more easily be achieved because of the reduced mass.However, the design of ULV sharing the same road with heavier cars represents a complex technical challenge for achieving acceptable safety levels. Furthermore, at p ...
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Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations (OSCAR)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

There is a need to improve sustainability in farming systems particularly through soil care and improvement, but not at the expense of productivity. One approach is to focus on a comprehensive advance in conservation tillage. This will be developed from improved ways of integrating subsidiary crops (SC) as living or dead mulches or cover crops with the main crops in rotations so as to simultaneous ...
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Collaboration Concepts for Comodality (CO3)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 31 août 2014,

Collaboration Concepts for Co-modality, CO3 is a business strategy enabling companies throughout the supply chain to set up and maintain initiatives to manage and optimise their logistics and transport operations by increasing load factors, reducing empty movements and stimulate co-modality, through Horizontal Collaboration between industry partners, thereby reducing transport externalities such a ...
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Research capacity for the implementation of genetic control of mosquitoes (INFRAVEC)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2009, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2014,

Mosquitoes transmit a variety of infectious diseases that cause a tremendous burden to public health. Due to climate changes and to the increase in international trade and tourism the threats posed by mosquitoes are increasingly affecting large parts of Europe, causing understandable concerns among the populations of many Member States. Control methods, mainly based on insecticide usage, are strug ...
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Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections are a major financial issue in the European healthcare system. The financial impact of these infections counteract medical advances and expensive medical treatments by increasing the length of hospital stay by at least 8 days on average per affected patient, hence adding more than 10 millions patient days in hospitals in Europe per year. The statistics on ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2012,

"The main objectives of the BS-ERA.NET project are: - reduce the fragmentation of the European Research Area (ERA) by improving the coherence and coordination of national and regional research programmes; - to develop and strengthen the coordination of public research programmes conducted at national and regional level, which target a group of countries from the extended Black Sea region. -to ...
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Protective Responsive Outer Shell for People in Industrial Environments (Prospie)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2012,

In the Prospie project a new generation of work wear will be developed and produced. Special features of the work wear will be a dynamic cooling system in order to prevent workers from hyperthermia, smart interfaces for measuring essential physical parameters of workers and their work place and the data processing resulting in the swift identification of (potential) dangerous situations. The data ...
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Reason: A New Focal Point for Teaching EU StudiesAs of December 2009, the Lisbon Treaty has become the EU's new fundamental framework for the foreseeable future. The analysis of altered or novel treaty provisions becomes a high priority for interdisciplinary research-based teaching curricula in EU studies. Only a European academic network will be able to exploit input from the relevant disciplines ...
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The TAMTAM project has operated a sectoral and geographic transfer of TIPTOE project results: from commerce to ICT, fashion/textile, mechanics/mechatronics and energetic efficiency/green building; from the Netherlands to Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom. The construction and the intelligent grow of a common European space for lifelong learning (Lisbon p ...
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"Arts & Culture Reshaping Urban Life"

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010,

Contemporary urban living can be characterised by growing deficiencies in many social, political and cultural aspects. Therefore, towns and its surroundings are the space where it's necessary to promote a new quality of human life in order to respond to a profound necessity of the people: to reside in a harmonious living space, well-formed especially in the emphasising of true values and aesthetic ...
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