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"Arts & Culture Reshaping Urban Life"
Date du début: 1 sept. 2010,
Contemporary urban living can be characterised by growing deficiencies in many social, political and cultural aspects. Therefore, towns and its surroundings are the space where it's necessary to promote a new quality of human life in order to respond to a profound necessity of the people: to reside in a harmonious living space, well-formed especially in the emphasising of true values and aesthetical dimensions. Arts can be considered as an important stimulating factor and starting point of a dialogue focussed primarily on the human being and its interaction with their environment.The overall idea of the project is to add a new quality to urban life by creating shared spaces for culture and creativity mainly for youngsters living in diverse cultural, social and ethnic environments. Thus, the project will explore innovative approaches to involve urban young people in arts & culture in order to raise their social and aesthetic awareness for their environment and to empower them towards creative thinking and self-expression.Actions foreseen comprise 5 ArtLabs involving 3 000 young people and 50 int'l professionals in joint production of artworks, public exhibitions and performances, 2 int'l conferences for international artists, young people, cultural operators and relevant stakeholders and the production of a WebGallery in the internet for transnational dissemination of the artworks. Activities will be embedded in high visibility cultural events, conferences, exhibitions and performances devoted to the overall theme "Arts & Culture Reshaping Urban Life".The consortium consists of cultural, educational & civil society organisations from 3 EU Member States (DE, IT, CZ). By linking local, regional and national cultural activities the partners will enhance their impact through interdisciplinary and transnational exchange and actively contribute to improved public awareness regarding the necessity of culture for successful European integration.
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Località Loppiano, 50064 Incisa Valdarno Firenze
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